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Lots of love for 💜💜💜@taetreash8397💜💜💜 love ya sweetie!!



"I can't because-"

The door of the hospital room let out a loud creek as five boys barged inside with balloons, gifts, flowers and an angry nurse hot on their tails.

"Surprise taehyungie!! You're going home!!"

Hosoek screamed oblivious to the tension between the mated pair as Jin marched in throwing flying kisses behind him to appease the mad nurse. Namjoon was clapping like an excited kid while Jimin had a sincere yet pained smile written on his face. It was not the sight his eyes wished to come upon. But jimin was trying. He did the right thing by telling Jungkook the truth right? He should be happy for taehyung right? But damn, no one told him it was gonna be this hard.

Jungkook didn't try to hide his evident irritation with the loud squad who rudely interrupted their very much private conversation.

"aish! What are you waiting for? Get up kid! We don't have all day!"

Yoongi threw the gift in his hand at the still surprised omega. It was immediately caught by a glaring Jungkook. He quickly wrapped an instinctive possessive arm around his omega. His omega who almost got hurt.

In the past few days his actions were purely instinctive since his omega was physically and mentally hurt. Adding to that the fact that jungkook knew he was responsible for what happened, intentional or not. Often times than not, you would hear Jungkook growling, see him bare his fangs every time an alpha doctor got a little too close to taehyung.

"min fudging yoongi!! Is it that hard to give a gift nicely?? Look at how scared the poor boy is!!"

Yoongi flinched at the reproachful voice of his hyung. It was unmistakably soekjin's scream that could make the grumpy beta cringe like that.

"hyung, you shouldn't shout like that.. the nurse is gonna scold us again.."

Namjoon shook his head in disapproval. He was so done with his loud team mates. Not that it was an uncommon situation for him to be in the midst of.

Soekjin scoffed at him only to grin seconds later showing finger hearts to the angry nurse peaking inside their room to scold them for the millionth time that day.

"let's pack up. We already paid the bills..."

Taehyung's eyes widened hearing jimin's strained voice for the first time since he woke up. The fact that he didn't hear the usual 'pup' or 'tae' was enough to tell the omega something was very wrong with his best friend. Why wouldn't he hug him? Why wouldn't he look him in the eyes? Didn't he miss him? Maybe jimin was mad at him. He should ask him about it later.

Jungkook was already on his feet collecting their belongings and helping the omega get up before jimin could even approach them properly. Jimin tried to smile again. Of course Jungkook would do that. They were completely settled now. He shouldn't be third wheeling them anymore. The beta silently took a step back letting the alpha take care of his mate.

Taehyung came back after changing into his outfit. He was trying to get his bag and leave when a squeak left him as he felt himself being lifted off the floor by a very determined and a very unsurprisingly strong Jungkook.

"Jungkook!! Put me down!!"

The little omega demanded blushing furiously hitting the unbothered alpha's chest repeatedly as he was mercilessly carried outside his hospital room bridal style. Taehyung whined out loud at his alpha's lack of response, hitting him one last time before giving in. Such a brat.

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