The Traitor

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Hi guys! I don’t know if there’s anyone who still reads my book. But here I am after sooooooo loooooooong. But I hope there is still someone who is waiting for this book.

I purple you my baby bunnies!!💜️💜️💜️


Did Jungkook really asked lisa to come? Taehyung couldn’t believe this is happening to him again. He just had began to think he can happily live after. His throat become suddenly dry making it’s difficult form words. Did Jungkook really did that after all these things?

“don’t get me wrong lisa-ssi… I’m not being rude here.. but did really Jungkook asked you to come here?…please don’t mind my ignorance.. I just wanna know what’s going on so suddenly”

Everyone jumped in surprise as they heard the low tone of yoongi asking the same question the omega had roaming around inside his head. Yoongi was calmly leaned to the kitchen door frame, a coffee mug in his hand. Jin clutched his chest after almost getting a heart attack from the unexpected beta. Jin was going to save the situation by his smooth talk but never mind, thanks to yoongi all his efforts are pointless now.

lisa looked everywhere awkwardly blushing a bit at the slowly gathering audience when Namjoon and hoseok also entered the living room with questioning looks on their faces. Taehyung just looked pale, on the verge of breaking down.

“no noo…it’s ok yoongi oppa.. I’ll explain everything… I know you guys only came to know about our fake relationship few days ago… but- but I really like our kookie…he knows about that too.. but he has never encouraged me until today… I hope you guys don’t mind me coming here this early..”

Lisa said blushing furiously tucking her blonde hair behind her ears, looking at the floor.

Taehyung stumbled backward as if he was hit on the face, tears slowly gathered in his hazel brown eyes. But the omega held his grace covering his pain with his usual cold gaze staring at nothing, almost like day dreaming.
yoongi cursed silently mumbling something along with needing to punch someone as he dragged his feet to get the royal blood.

“no..not at all…you are always welcome here…right Namjoon-ah?”

Seokjin gritted his teeth showing his well mannered smile as he shot certain looks to the mentioned alpha, who looked dumbfound.

“ don’t we sit and talk some more until Jungkook comes..”

Namjoon babbled out awkwardly gesturing lisa to sit again. Hoseok stared at jin giving confused looks as the older beta hinted him to be patient and sit with them. Jimin also entered to the living room, eyes swollen, head bent in heavy hangover, confused at the commotion. Taehyung just remained silent, still standing staring at nothing.

The awkward situation suddenly crumbled down as they heard a pissed off royal blood dragged his feet to the living room yoongi hot in his trail.

“what the hell yoongi hyung? Just tell me where’s tae, I don’t care who came here and I just-“

Jungkook trailed off in his mid sentence as he saw the crowd in the living room, specially the blond haired girl that sat on their couch. He scratched his hair just looking at her and slowly realization came to his mind. He eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of his pale omega which made his mind numb with a cold shiver.


Before Jungkook even utter a word lisa squealed running towards him, before giving him a big bear hug catching off guard the confused alpha.

“good morning kookie!! I really missed you baby! Come on, get ready! We are getting late…and thank you for inviting me..”

“m-me? Why? W-where?”

Jungkook frantically shook his head at his tearing up omega, while yoongi mumbled a ‘fuck you’ at him trying to drag out the omega out of the heart breaking scene.

“oh don’t act dumb kookie.. I know how you are…such a shy boy…so cute…hurry up we are getting late for the date..”

Lisa squealed again, oblivious to the situation behind her back. To tell the boys were mad is an underestimate. Even the usually cheerful Hoseok was furious.  They can’t believe they got deceived by Jungkook again from his award winning acting.

They finally thought their maknae is getting better. From the day one they knew about jungkook’s bipolar personality, changing his mood and behavior in split seconds. It doesn’t matter if they were in front of cameras or not jungkook’s behavior is unpredictable, it’s almost like two people in his body. At one point he would use his alpha authority and threat, but he would change crying and begging going from completely murderous to a complete innocent. He would apologize but would do the same thing again and again.

And everyone knew how maniacal jungkook can get when he didn’t get his way. They have plenty of experiences. They definitely knew something is very wrong with their maknae. But the only one who could handle his madness is the chocolate eyed omega, even though he is the one who gets hurt the most by the stubborn alpha.

“mind explaining anything to me Jungkook-ah?”

Taehyung’s wavering voice came out as a whisper, but everyone in the room heard him clear as day. Jungkook softly pushed away the confused girl from their hug, taking a step toward his omega but abruptly stopped as the omega held his hand up, signaling him to stop, disappointment lasing in his hazel eyes.

“look hyung… I- I don’t know what’s going on… let me explain… I never wanted to hurt you.. I don’t know anything.. I-“

“huh! You don’t know anything? You know what? You deserve an award.. what a great act.. is this funny to you? Playing with both of our lives.. do you know how much I believed you? but You just destroyed it all..”

Taehyung’s last words broke as a sob wreck trough his body. The omega immediately turned around, embarrassed to cry in front of lisa, who confusedly looked at both him and Jungkook time to time, completely unaware of what’s going on.

Then taehyung felt it. Those familiar arms engulfing him to a warm hug. Yes. It’s been always ‘him’. It’s been always ‘him’ who consoled him every time he cried after getting heart broken. It’s ‘him’ who never abounded him, who never cared about ‘his’ own happiness, no matter how much he get hurts, it has been always him, his angel. His jiminie.

“shh…shhh… are gonna be okay… everything is gonna be fine..”

Jimin began to sooth the omega with his kind words, mumbling sweet nothings to his ears. In split seconds A loud snarl erupted behind them, freezing everyone in their spots.

“stay away from my omega.. stay the fuck away from him beta!”

Jimin pulled away from taehyung in a flash as if he got electrified as soon as he heard the heavy alpha voice of Jungkook. The frightened omega began to whimper, baring his neck to his alpha. Only god knew how much he despised getting alpha ordered liked that. No omega likes to get alpha ordered like a cheap whore. More importantly Jungkook didn’t sound himself at all. His alpha voice was so much inhuman that it made chills running everyone’s spines.

Jungkook sighed as seeing his submitting omega, rubbing his face roughly with his both hands, trying to calm himself down. Their mating bond acting as spiked hand squeezing his heart for hurting his omega.

“just don’t touch him hyung, it sets my inner alpha off… and why the f- I mean why did you come here lisa?”

The beta girl flinched awake from her trance of submission.  Her face getting pale as she tried to respond to the royal blood alpha.

“I- I came here because you asked me to. I’m- I’m sorry alpha- I mean jungkook.. I never knew you are mated to taehyung oppa.. I’ll be going now..”

Lisa stuttered out, wiping out her falling tears, looking at the floor.

“I didn’t ask you to come.. why are you telling lies.. just tell me the truth!”

Lisa flinched again, scurrying away from the angering alpha. She quickly scooted closer to Jin baring her neck to growling royal blood, who had his eyes turned all black, fully dilated.

“Just stop harassing the girl Jungkook. Stop showing your power to cover your faults.. we all clearly saw your true colours..”

Jimin said, voice not even wavering, shielding the cowering taehyung who was whimpering nonstop from his alpha’s anger. The beta didn’t had the best physique to oppose the royal blood but the man held more power with his eyes, reflecting his mental power.

“guys please.. we don’t have to fight like this to settle this matter… Jungkook please calm yourself and jimin no more fueling the fire.. jin hyung, help lisa-ssi to sit..hoseok-ah, please get some water for lisa-ssi.. This must be quite shocking for her.. Everyone please take seats..”

Surprisingly namjoon’s commands broke the ice. Jungkook grumbled still pissed, but sat down never the less after growling at jin who tried to sit beside him. His eyes were only settled on his omega who was currently sat beside jimin with glossy eyes, still neck exposed in submission.

“lisa ssi, forgive us for our ignorant behavior… I know this is huge shock to see jungkook and others like this.. I hope you would protect our privacy in this situation.. can you please tell us what happened from the beginning.. we have to make clear this situation..”

Namjoon’s deep yet calm voice flowed in peaceful manner. However the impatient royal blood sent intense stares towards his bonded mate. Mating bonds are curious things. Jungkook can almost hear his mates thoughts through their link no matter how tougher taehyung tried to block their link. Jungkook knew it’s because he is the dominant one in the bond. He didn’t give a fuck about bonds. He just wanted his mate. The omega was his and his alone. And he is going to….no.. not yet.

“it’s ok oppa.. I can understand your situation… but I am telling the truth.. kookie did asked me to come..right kookie? Why are you denying it? I didn’t come here to make problems..” the blond girl released a sob, covering her face with her both hands.  “please believe me..” lisa pleaded again looking at the boys with her tearful eyes.

“stop telling lies for fuck’s sake.. I didn’t even had time to call you or text you… I was with taehyung… no one’s buying your cheap lies.. so get lost”

Jungkook growled almost caught the scared beta girl’s neck with his claw extended hand before he was dragged back to the sofa buy namjoon and jin. Lisa whimpered as she was soothed by hoseok. The royal blood alpha was constantly growling, coal eyes glowing with unnatural glint as he looked predatorily at everyone in the room.

“you know what jungkook, you cant always cover up your flaws by your big bad wold acting.. look at you getting furious when you didn’t get your way.. you are acting like a child jungkook.. you have been always like this.. I know I did some wrong this too.. I was the one who always provoked you.. I wasn’t by your side when you suffered.. at least admit your faults without hurting the ones you love.. can’t you see how much you hurt your mate. This is why you don’t deserve him..” 

Jimin spoke surprisingly in a calm manner, still combing the whimpering omega’s golden hair with such a care that made jongkook’s blood boil even more. But before jungkook take any action, the only girl in the room spoke surprising everyone to the core with her statement.

“bu- but what jungkook told was true oppa.. he didn’t call me or text me..he asked someone to deliver the message… I’m confused why that person acts like nothing happened…”

The scared girl mumbled looking here and there as if not knowing what to do with the situation. Yoongi cursed putting his finished coffee mug on the table.

“look here lisa ssi… we cant read minds or don’t have any powers like that.. please be kind and tell us the truth…all of it..”

The older beta tried his best to not appear as rude but he knew he failed.

“this is enough hyung… no need to pressure her anymore.. lisa ssi, I know you are trying cover jungkook’s faults.. it’s’s all settled now.. I don’t need to hear any more of this crap..please excuse me..”

The omega tried to leave, getting up  with wobbly legs but immediately halted by yoongi who shook his head in disapproval.

“no! this is not settled… lisa ssi, please tell us who is the person that delivered the message to you…and I swear if it is one of us or jungkook himself, I’m going to end his miserable life by cutting his throat by our new album.. that fucking CD is so sharp. I even hurt my pinkie, see?”

Yoongi showed his finger, cursing again so fast that anyone couldn’t get his words. Hoseok gulped.

“it wasn’t me hyung. I swear.”

Yoongi glared at the frightened dancer as he signaled the girl to talk who was getting pale again.

“don’t mind yoongi lisa… please tell us what you know..” it was jin who afford the scared girl a reassuring smile.

“it’s- it’s actually jimin oppa..”



The boys felt like they just got hit by a truck. What the fuck is happening. Jimin would never do such a thing. They knew him from from the beginning. He wasn’t like that. Taehyung felt furious with the sudden information. That vixen is manipulating them all. At first telling barging inside their little safe world then accusing his one of prized part of his life. He isn’t going to believe her at all.

“sorry oppa.. I didn’t want to expose you but this situation forced me to do this”

The boys even didn’t know what to tell, literally speechless. Is this true or is it one lisa’s lies.

“what are you talking about lisa… I didn’t deliver you any of jungkook’s massages. This is absurd. We wasn’t even in good terms. So why would I deliver his messages to you.”

Jimin shouted getting up in the process, eyes red with anger.

“yeah… that must be the reason you plotted that cheap game of yours. You texted her to come here. So you can destroy the relationship with tae and me. I was finally going to mend our lives. But you had to ruin my all efforts.”

Jungkook spatted sending disgusted looks towards the dark haired beta. Taehyung suddenly felt dizzy. Jungkook couldn’t be right, right? No. they are all liars. No matter what his jiminie wouldn’t do that.

“tae please, don’t listen to them… I’ll let you check my phone… here.. I know you trust me”

Jimin handed his phone to the pale looking omega, who took his phone with a quivering hand. It felt like ours to everyone as taehyung checked the phone. Everyone was in edge. They never thought something like this would happen to them. They knew jimin wouldn’t do such a thing but still the nerves got the best of them.

Then taehyung looked up at everyone.

“there’s nothing. I knew jiminie wouldn’t do such cheap things… you and your girlfriend disgust me jungkook.”

The hissed slowly going back to his true self after getting proofs that his most trusted one is flawless. Namjoon and jin sighed at the same time, feeling so much relieved to hear that they didn’t had a traitor while jungkook just growled looking at jimin with poisoned eyes.

“but- but I have the messages taehyung oppa.. I was telling the trusth. I know something is definitely wrong.. so I’m going to show everything I have to clear this ugly situation…sorry jimin oppa..” Lisa said confidently as showing her phone which showed the message board of her and someone name’s jimin.

“please stop this lisa…anyone can save some random number as jimin and corner him to the crime..”

Taehyung told with a cold voice not buying a single word the beta girl told. Jimin stood beside the upset omega with a protective stance helping the omega to leave the place as jungkook’s growl become higher and higher.

“then I’ll prove it to you guys” the lisa hit the dial sign in the phone.

Suddenly jimin’s phone began to ring.

It was jimin.


Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnn!!!
Here we go!!
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