Point of no return

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Double update cuz I feel so bad for making my lovelies wait...and lots of love for Taetrash8397 for editing...😍💜💜💜😍

I undid the buttons of my white shirt as i left the conference room. That old man is really something. He actually made me pay huh?

I checked the time. It's 9:15. I should head to the dorm before Jin hyung starts spamming me again. The mama bird would be still worried about me despite the fact that i disappointed them hours ago.

I don't know how hyungs love me so much and bear with my shit at the same time. A cab was parked near the entrance for me. I hopped in not wanting to piss off my inner alpha any longer.

And again why won't my inner alpha just shut up for an instant for fuck's sake. I know he's my subconscious but seriously? He's berating me to see our omega like the little shit he is. He even tried to break free a few times during my discussion with old man. I really need to fix this before it gets out of hand.

Finally I reached our dorm after a ride filled with my alpha nagging at me. When I entered the living room I inhaled a long portion of sweet lavander and warm honey. Where's my o- taehyung. I Wanna see him this instance

Then I noticed everyone else except Jin hyung and taehyung have retreated to their rooms. The said omega is fast asleep on the couch curled into a cute ball. Why the fuck does he always sleep like a little kitten. He- My train of thought was rudely interrupted when I tripped on something and fell forward. I hit the corner of the sofa and fell on the floor.

"Awwww...oh shit..."

I immediately covered kookie junior. Fuck. That fucking sofa damaged my precious quite hard. Holy shit. I glared at the culprit who made me fall. It's one of taehyung's plushies. A black coloured bunny. Who on earth buys black bunnies?

"Jungkook ah!!! What happened??"

Jin hyung approached me in seconds whisper shouting as he kneeled before me trying to find where I was hurt.

"Hyung, I think I won't be able to make babies.."

"Don't shout brat!! Tae bear is sleeping!!.." he whisper shouted again. Seriously? I gritted my teeth almost whining in pain. Is that a smirk I caught on Jin hyung's face. Does he enjoy my pain right now. Oh you better not hyung.

"Are you enjoying this? Huh?"

I asked in a warning tone despite my throbbing pain.

"Me??" He clutched his chest dramatically. "Noo.. I would never... let's check whether our little kookie is okay?"

I swatted his hands away while rolling my eyes.

"Don't make fun of it hyung..it fucking hurts okay?"

I tried to sound stern but failed miserably seeing the older beta's funny facial expression.

"Awww...is my cute baby a big boy now? No need to act tough, I know you're a squishy marshmallow inside."

I rolled my eyes annoyed at him.

"I'm not cute. See, I've got abs. Stop laughing like a mad man and bring me some ice cubes. It hurts like bitch." I slightly pushed him off. What a diva.

"Yaah...no cursing..." he slapped my head, just like my mom. "Is that how I raised you? At least say please, you little brat. tch..tch."

See? He's the biggest diva I have ever seen. Even my mom doesn't nag like him.

"Jin hyungie.... what are you doing on the floor.."

A tiny voice suddenly made our heads snap to its owner's direction. There's a sleepily blinking taehyung staring at us curiously. Oh. He doesn't even acknowledge me. Guess he's got his senses back. That's why he's ignoring me.

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