We are screwed

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I'm such a horrible author. I didn't update in ages. Sorry guys. Actually I was going to give up on this story but someone encouraged me. Thank you so much Taetrash8397

If you are confused, the bold prints in the quotes are presenting kookies inner alpha's dialogues


"Get in to the van!! Now!!"

We all compelled as namjoon hyung commands. We all momentarily forgot about our previous commotion and hurried inside to the van. Jin hyung immediately closed and locked the door. We all sigh in relief. We all are drawned in cold sweat. This time we have seriously fucked up everything.

"What's going to happen now? How much did they witness?"

The first one to awake his voice is hobi hyung. His little question made our hearts freeze in fear of what will happen now. But not taehyung, who is currently staring at jimin with wide eyes, still shocked with the sudden information about beta's crush over him.

"I don't know. Lets head to the management building. We should talk this with PD nim."

Namjoon hyung states sighing as covering his face with both hands. The driver began to drive off immediately as hearing the alphas command.

Anyone of us doesn't utter a word. We all are too scared to discuss about what just happened. It could ruin our careers completely. The mere thought of being wasted our years of hard work is a bit too much to bear. A mere photograph is gonna ruin all of us. We don't know how much far they witnessed. It's goi-

"This is all his fucking fault."

My back rigid as hearing jimin's small whisper. He's on the first row of seats but I clearly heard what he said. My previous anger came back immediately. How can he only blame me a time like this, but I instantly halted as hearing a tiny whimper beside me. It's taehyung. He must be sensing my anger through our bond.

The little omega has seated beside me. He's biting his rosy lips, which has turned blood red now. It seems like the sudden rush caused us to seat beside each other. After what I have done, not in a thousand years the tiny omega would seat beside me if it isn't that commotion.

Taehyung's big doe eyes are locked to mine. His ever expressing eyes are telling all the pains he feels. The hurt and betrayal he feels is killing me. I know it's all because of me. His delicate frame looks so tiny beside me. Too pretty. Crystal tears are creeping down through his baby cheeks. He looks so pretty. Even if he's crying, he has a certain beauty in his whole demeanour. So angelic.

Why the fuck I'm praising him. Ignore it. But I can't bear him crying anymore. He's too fragile. I reached my hand to wipe his tears.

"Don't touch me."

He swatted my hand away, glaring at space not daring look me in eyes. My eyes widened in shock. I gritted my teeth as retreating my hand back while trying to restrain my seething anger. How could he?

He's blaming all the gods about letting me to mark him. He wishes it would be kai or jimin. He thinks it's all because our cursed mating bond. My inner alpha roared struggling to get control again as hearing his omegas inner thoughts. I fist my hands unconsciously. He's looking at his lap while playing with his newly changed jeans after our session as sensing I'm reading his thoughts.

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