Caught in a lie

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Hey my lovely bunnies…I'm back!!!!❤❤❤❤ 

It was jimin.


The only thing that could be felt in the room is eerily tensioned silence, while jimin’s mobile still continued to ring.

Jimin’s eyes widened becoming pale at seconds after he looked at his ringing phone. He shook his head furiously at his friends’ unbelievable expressions, some turned disgusted. And there’s taehyung who was covering his mouth with falling crystal tears. The hazel eyes reddened with so much crying, pheromones pouring all over the room that it felt suffocating to the alphas in the room. It was miraculous how an omega can affect other people without even trying.

Jimin slowly took a step towards the blond omega, reaching out for him while the still ringing phone in one hand. Taehyung caught a glimpse of the phone screen, which had the caller identity as ‘lisa’.

“No!! tae, It wasn’t like tha-“


The sound echoed in the room mixed with the cursed ringing. Jimin held his cheek as the frightened omega released a heart wrenching sob. The hand that slapped the beta was cradled to taehuyng’s chest as silent tears continued to fall. Omegas usually don’t act in violence. But taehyung never had the chance of being normal. It was carving in to his heart that he was betrayed by one of his most loved ones. The one he trusted most.

“Don’t! please don’t! I don’t need your excuses. I trusted you over my mate!! And you had to do traitor!!”

Taehyung screamed through his tears as he crumbled and lent against the wall, slowly falling down, losing all of his energy. jimin stood there, still pale as a sheet, watching his years of friendship and love crumbling down in seconds. It’s all over because some stupid girl decided to show some messages and trap him. He can’t believe a shit like this happened. Jimin didn’t care if others thought he was a traitor but it hurts more seeing his pup crying over him.

Shit. That hurts.

Namjoon and jungkook immediately reached the omega, producing as much as soothing pheromones in the air. The omega immediately curled inside pack alpha’s embrace, whimpering and whining, finding reassurance. But namjoon was wise enough to softly push the whining omega to the royal blood’s lap, who was starting to show his fangs with darkening possessive eyes.

“I’m sorry kookie…sorry I doubted you..” Taehyung mumbled apologies as he buried his face in jungkook’s neck, arms curling around his neck as he nestled his alpha. Jungkook gently placed a sweet kiss on his omega’s crown of head before turning to jimin.

“you are disgusting, hyung”

Jungkook spat as he soothed his continuously whimpering mate who didn’t even dare to lift his head from his safe heaven.

“but tae, listen to me… let me explain”

Jimin tried to reach the whimpering omega again, only to be ignored and left behind as the royal blood carried his crying omega to their shared room.

“wait tae! Jungkook-ah listen to me.. it wasn’t me..please-“ jimin tried again desperately, only to be cut off again.

“shut. Up. Jimin. He’s already passed out. Let him be.. You have done enough..”

The royal blood growled back as shut the door behind them.

Jimin ran a hand through his untamed hair as he cursed himself. Cold sweat running down his temple as he raked his head trying to find where he missed. Angry tears continuously welled up in his eyes as he furiously rubbed them off. A gentle hand in his shoulder made him turn back. Then there, his hyungs looking at him with unreadable expressions he didn’t ever want to read in this state.

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