Chapter Seven

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The boat was still tossing and turning. I heard a crack in the middle of the boat.

"GET DOWN!" I screamed and everyone ducked down and covered their heads.

"Everyone hang onto each other, that way if we land anywhere we will be together. Don't let go!" My dad demanded.

We all joined hands and hoped for the best.

We heard a terrifying snap and suddenly the boat was being filled with water.


Ceanna reached back and threw a lifejacket towards everyone.

We all slipped our lifejackets on and joined hands again.

Our boat collapsed and we were now in the middle of the ocean with boat debris everywhere.

There was a long piece of metal that Ceanna sat on to be safe and out of the water, Josh, Nick, and I all sat in the safety life raft and my dad was in a little white plastic thing but I didn't know what it was.

We all soon drifted off to sleep, expecting for the best when we woke up.

I woke up on sand. Wait, sand? I opened my eyes and looked around, Josh was beside me and Nick was on top of him. Ceanna was half in the water and half on shore. I dragged Ceanna on the wet sand and she woke up coughing. Dad. My dad was still in the water but before I knew it, Josh ran into the water after him.

"Where are we?" I turned to see Nick at my side, I jumped.

"Oh! You startled me, Nick!" I laughed.

"Sorry." He said with a grin.

"Well, looks to me as if dad trapped us on an island." I said firmly.

Huge pieces of our boat washed up on shore with every single suitcase. At least we have a little bit of luck! I ran to gather our things and bring them to the middle of the island, where we woke up. Nick followed me. We brought our things back and opened our suitcases.

"Ceanna," I said, "Open your stuff. Make sure it's all good."

I opened my bags and my clothes were soaked but all of the important things were perfectly fine.

Josh and Dad arrived back at the beach safely. Turns out my dad was alright.

"Guys?" My dad said, "That boat was a vacation thing. So, it didn't have a radio,"

We stared at him in horror.

"How the hell are we supposed to get off the damn island then?!" I yelled.

"We will figure something out." My dad replied.

It was 6:00 in the evening by now.

"Nick, start a fire for us please, and all of you set your clothes out to dry, away from the water.

While the fire was going, we talked about ways to get off this island, and things we were going to do the next day.

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