The Brothers Trust

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Princess Lily Rose Diana of Wales is now 20 years old!!

It has been 20 years since we welcomed Her Royal Highness into the world and she has grown into a beautiful young woman

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It has been 20 years since we welcomed Her Royal Highness into the world and she has grown into a beautiful young woman.
Of course, Her Royal Highness spent her birthday with her brothers Prince Harry and the Duke of Cambridge Prince William, and her sister in laws The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton and her newfound sister in law Megan Markle.
The Princess of Wales was on royal duty to attend The Brothers Trust campaign in which she supports massively. She surprised the Hollands by turning up and donating 10,000 to their charity. Shortly afterwards she was seen with Tom Hollands assistant Harrison Osterfield.
Later on in the day Her Royal Highness was seen heading from the Brothers Trust event to her late mothers, Princess Diana, grave. She was seen standing at it on her own before wiping her eyes and heading back to the Palace grounds.
We wish the Princess a royal happy birthday and hope she had a brilliant day.

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Lily Rose POV:

"Ready to go your Royal Highness

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"Ready to go your Royal Highness."One of my maids, Grace smiled at me.
"Thank you Grace. And how many times have I told you guys to call me by my name." i smiled at her.
There was a knock on the door and Louise, my other maid came in.
"Your car is ready miss."
"I'm on my way Louise, and call me Lily Rose." I smiled at them.

I made my way down the stairs of my apartment in Kensington Palace and got into the car

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I made my way down the stairs of my apartment in Kensington Palace and got into the car. I thanked Joe as he closed the door and got into the drivers seat. We then made our way to the theater where The Brothers Trust was on. 

Once I got there the paparazzi was waiting. I got out and waved to the crowds before making my way into the building. I was showed to my private seat where the Holland family would also be seating. The Hollands came just after the film started. I carefully watched the movie and soon it was over. I clapped for it when Tom Holland, the actor, came out. He answered some questions before wishing everyone a safe journey home.

I made my way out of the building when I bumped into someone.The mystery person caught me by my waist before I could fall and hurt myself. I looked at my saver once I was standing straight again to see them being a man around my age. He was very handsome. Joe went to grab him but I signaled that I was alright.

 Joe went to grab him but I signaled that I was alright

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"Woah, are you ok?" He asked not looking at me.
"I'm fine kind sir. What is your name?" I asked.
He looked up at me and his face turned to shock.
"Princess Lily Rose, I am terribly sorry. it is an honor to meet you. My name is Harrison Osterfield, your royal highness." He said bowing politely.
"Oh there is no need for that. But it is nice to meet you Harrison." I smiled.
"The honor is all mine your royal highness." He smiled.
"Please Call me Lily Rose." I smiled back.

Harrison POV:

"I'm going to head off Tom. A great turn out overall but I'll seya later." I called to my best mate who was busy greeting fans.
"Sure mate." He said before taking a picture with a girl.

I laughed lightly as I walked off. I walked out the front doors only to bump into someone. I caught them before they could fall and helped them stand up right. I apologized before looking up to see it was Princess Lily Rose Diana of Wales. She assured me it was alright.

"Well, I must apologize somehow. Here, let me help you to your car." I smiled offering my hand.
"Why thank you. That would be much appreciated." She laughed taking my elbow instead.

We walked in the direction of the side of the building with Princess Lily Roses guards close behind. Once we got to the car she turned to me and smiled.

"Well I guess this is goodbye." I smiled.
"I guess it is." She said.
We stood there in silence.
"Pass me your phone." She said.
"Huh." I said, unsure if I heard her right.
"I want to give you my number. Give me your phone." She laughed.
"Oh." I laughed awkwardly giving her my phone and vice versa.
"There. Text sometime. But don't expect an answer straight away. I may be busy." She smiled giving back my phone before getting into the car.

Her driver and bodyguard got into the driving seat and drove off. I stood there in shock of what just happened. did I just get the Royal Princess of Wales number?

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