Engagement photos releases + press

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Kensington Palace release the engagement  photos of Princess Lily Rose Diana of Wales and Harrison Osterfield.

Kensington Palace release the engagement  photos of Princess Lily Rose Diana of Wales and Harrison Osterfield

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It's happening guys. Harrison Osterfield and Princess Lily Rose are getting married.
It's been a tough ride for this Royal couple as they dated two times before Osterfield popped the question to the countries princess. In honor of their engagement lets take a look back on their time together.
If we were to put all the months they dated together during the two times it would come up to a total of 1 year. Whiten that time they had many disagreements which at one stage lead to them ending things.
They met at The Brothers Trust screening of 'infinity war' after Princess Lily Rose nearly fell. Harrison, being the gentleman that he is, caught her before she could fall and hurt herself. To show his sympathy he escorted her back to her car where they exchanged numbers.
Now they are engaged. It's a love story like the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. The couple will have a press tour to officially announce the engagement.

Other news:
Princess Lily Rose Diana is leaving college with a degree in medication.
What title the newly royal engaged couple could be getting?
 Inside of the proposal and dinner evening in the palace.
'He's getting married before me.' Tom Holland joked on his best mates engagement.


Lily Rose POV:

"You ready?" I asked Harrison as he stood beside me in his suit

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"You ready?" I asked Harrison as he stood beside me in his suit.
"As I'll ever be."

He gave me his elbow and I slid my hand onto it, making sure my ring was seen. I then nodded to the doormen who opened the door to camera men. Harrison and I walked out and the cameras immediately started flashing at us. I smiled at them and thanked everyone who congratulated us along with Harrison. Soon we were brought into a room where an interviewer was waiting patiently for us. He stood up as he seen us coming in.

"Hi how are you? I'm Jason Turlough I'll be interviewing you if that's ok?" He asked shaking our hands.
"Of course, that's perfectly alright." Harrison smiled, placing his hand on my back as we made our way to the couch.

"So I suppose we should start by saying congratulations, it's, it's about time you settled down Lily Rose." Jason joked at the end.
"Thank you." We smiled.
"Now, Harrison. Your the first boy that Lily Rose has dated, and now the last. Was it hard to get her hand in marriage? Were her family hard to get on your side?"
"For the most part no, it was kinda foreseen that I would, you know. I had went to her father and asked could I marry his daughter and he thankfully said yes once the queen agreed to it. Her Majesty was more then pleased when I said what I planned. I think her brothers were the hardest, you know, because like most older brothers they didn't particularly like the fact of us going together for the second time. I understand where they were coming from thought because I'm an older brother myself and I wouldn't want any man or boy to play around or break my sisters heart. But I soon showed them that I wasn't going to mess with their sister and that I would be with her till the very end." Harrison said, smiling at me near the end.
"Lily Rose did you expect t at all before Harrison got down on one knee?"
"NO, no, I didn't no. It was one of those things that came out of no where. I mean when we went for the dinner evening I just thought it was going to be a normal event so when grandmother aloud Harrison to speak I was wondering what was going on and then he got down on one knee. SO yea, it was very surprising but a nice surprise."
"I suppose we should look at the ring. Is it a family ring or did you buy it?" Jason asked as I moved my hand to reveal the ring.
"No I didn't buy it, it was actually my mums promise ring from my dad years before they got married. Mum had gave it to me when I turned eighteen and said that I was to give it to my future bride and so, here we are today with it."
"It's beautiful.And it fits perfectly so it won't fall off." I smiled as Harrison took my hand to see the ring again.

"Now obviously it is probably too early now but what does it look like for children in the near future, will there be children?" Jason asked causing us both to laugh a little

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"Now obviously it is probably too early now but what does it look like for children in the near future, will there be children?" Jason asked causing us both to laugh a little.
"Yea, there probably will be in the near future I think we both have said before our love for children. I mean we both have nieces and nephews which we adore so yea. My grandmother, the queen, can't wait for me to have my own kids, she says it every time I'm with George and Charlotte and Louis, so yea." I nodded.
"We'll get the marriage first and let that settle down then hopefully, because like Rose said we both love children as there are little ones in both of our families so yea, it would be nice. Someday." Harrison smiled.
"Well we look forward to seeing that day. Now you guys broke up some time between dating. What was that about because it was famously all over the papers, similar to William and Kates break up?"
"Well I think it was hard for the two of us. I mean, I said that we'd take a 'break', which basically is breaking up if you think about it, because of the following of papz and all that. But I definitely regretted it yea, for sure. Especially when the news on Lily Roses hard time afterwards." Harrison said as I nodded. 
"I think that it hadn't just effected us it had effected our families because, we are both close to our families and to see someone in your family break down can be hard. So yea, but it worked out in the end so, all is good." I joked at the end.
"And aren't we all glad about that. Now Harrison, you are now coming into a big family. Are you ready for the big responsibility that comes with being part of the royal family?"
I looked at Harrison with a smile as he moved slightly.
"I mean, it s new, I won't lie, but her brothers have helped me understand how to react as a royal so I have been learning. But like everything there is more to learn so it will be a new road for me."
"He does have the basic ones already. He has his manners, you know, he's generous, he has a straight posture. SO it's really the 'hard' bits of being royal but he will get it. He is listening to everything my brothers and even father say so." I continued for him.
" Well that's what we like to hear. Unfortunately that is all the time we had time for today. Thank you for coming and congratulations once again on your engagement."
"Thank you, thank you." We both smiled before the camera got cut. 

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