I can't wait to see you as a parent

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Lily Rose:

I waved to the crowds as I stepped out with the help of Harry

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I waved to the crowds as I stepped out with the help of Harry. We were at the Tennis final alongside Meghan. I greeted some of the crowds gathered as we made our way to our seats.

"Lily Rose, are you dating Harrison?"
"what's going on between you and Tom Hollands assistant?"
"Is there anyone you are currently dating?"

Was all I heard as we made our way through the crowds. Once we made it to our seats I sat down on the left of harry while Meghan was on his right. I stood up and cheered as the English player, Andy Murray, came out before sitting down and watching the match.

In the end we won the match. I cheered with the crowd as he waved to them all. He looked towards the royal booth and winked at me. I giggled and waved to him. He chuckled to himself and walked off.

"Well that was eventful." Harry said as the car drove off.
"Indeed it was, especially for some of us." Meghan smiled looking towards me.
I groaned and slid down my seat.

Once we got home I went for tea with grandmother. She smiled as i came in and kissed her and grandfathers cheek. I sat across from them before being served tea and sandwiches.

"How was your day lily Rose" Grandmother asked before taking a sip of tea.
"It was good grandmother thank you for asking." I smiled.
"That's good." 
We resumed in quietness.
"What's going on with you and this Osterfield one?" Grandfather asked me.
"Phillip" Grandmother scolded.
I smiled and placed my cup down.
"We meet when i nearly fell after bumping into him. He asked for my number and we meet a few times. Noting is going on Grandpa I can assure you." I said taking his hand.
"Good." He said patting my hand.
"Now excuse me, I am going to head to see my niece and nephew." I smiled getting up.
"Indeed. Your so good with those two I can't wait to see you as a parent." Grandmother smiled standing up.
"Not for awhile" i assured grandpa who gaped a grandmother.
I laughed as he sighed in relief before leaving the room.

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