Revealing her to the world

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Lily Rose POV:

"Are you sure you'll be okay in heels?" Harrison asked with concern as he watched me put my heels on

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"Are you sure you'll be okay in heels?" Harrison asked with concern as he watched me put my heels on.
"Harrison, I wore heels during my pregnancy which is a few extra stone. I'm sure I will be fine." I laughed.
"Well if your sure." He said, still not convinced.
I laughed at him as I stood up carefully before making my way over to the crib where our daughter lay sleeping.
"Let's get this over with." Harrison smiled as I wrapped her in the blanket grandma gave us.

I nodded and picked her up before following him. The guards nodded at us as we arrived at the doors. Once Harrison gave the okay they opened the doors to reveal the awaiting crowds. Cameras started flashing as soon as we started walking. Harrison guided me down the steps as I held our baby girl. We stood and waved as the crowds congratulated us. I turned to Harrison and handed him our baby girl.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly as he took her in his arms.
"Yeah, the wind is starting to pick up, I think we should head back in before she gets cold." I replied.
"Yeah okay." He nodded and we waved to the crowds before turning and heading back inside.

We got our stuff together and I quickly feed our angel before placing her into the baby carrier. Harrison offered me his elbow as we headed out to the cameras again. I held the baby carrier as I accepted it and made the way to the car. Harrison strapped in the baby carrier before getting in and driving off.



The Duke and Duchess of Kingston reveal their daughter to the world.

The Duke and Duchess of Kingston smiled and waved happily as they stood on the steps of St

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The Duke and Duchess of Kingston smiled and waved happily as they stood on the steps of St. Marys Lindo ward. In the Duchess arms lay the new royal as she was revealed for the first time.
Duchess Lily Rose was brought to hospital at 6am yesterday morning after her waters broke and delievered the royal baby at 1pm. The two were in perfect health but were kept in overnight due to the premature royal.
It is unknown what name has been given to the Duke and Duchess of Kingstons daughter but she will be eight in line to the throne, ninth after her uncles son or daughter is born.

Other news:
Meghan Markle furious at sister in law.
Prince Harry and William visited their sister in hospital during labor.
The Duchess of Kingston to take six months off royal duties but will be seen at important events.

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