Need a break

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Lily Rose POV

"Your highness, his highness Prince William and her highness the Duchess of Cambridge have requested your presence for breakfast along with his highness the Duke of Kingston." Grace stated as I read my book.
"Thank you Grace. Please call for a driver and grace, please call me Lily Rose. You've known me for 5 years now." I laughed.
"I'm sorry your high- I mean Lily Rose, force of habit." she said sympathetically.
"Well it's time to get out of it, I've told you many times before." I joke scolded as she left the room.

I got up and rubbed Harrisons shoulders. He groaned as he turned. I giggled and kissed his nose before heading to get ready. I was just finished when Harrison decided to get up. I laughed as I sat at my vanity to get my hair sorted. I was just finished when Harrison wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

 I was just finished when Harrison wrapped his arms around my shoulders

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"Where we going?" He asked as he kissed my hair.
"To my brothers place. They've asked us for breakfast." I smiled, getting up.
"Oh yeah."
"Are you ready?" I asked as I turned."
"Nearly." He replied as he pt a cashmere jumper on.
"Right, let's gp." I laughed and we left.

Once we pulled up Charlotte and George immediately ran to the door. I smiled as we got out and hugged them each before they ran to Harrison who picked Charlotte up while putting an arm around Georges shoulders. Kate and William came out and pulled me into a hug before we sat down in the living room.

"So how are you feeling?" Kate asked.
"All good bar the morning sickness." I laughed.
"I was the same. At least yours isn't severe." 
"True. Worth it though." I laughed.
"It is, yeah, it is." She smiled as she looked down at Louis who was on her lap.

George and Charlotte came over to us and asked if we could play with them outside. Harrison and William followed them out while Kate and I went to sit at the outside table, laughing as William fell causing Harrison to trip over his feet.

"Gotta love them." I said while giggling.
"It's hard not to." Kate said through giggles.
"This will be us one day." I smiled.
"You'll love it." Kate smiled as she held my hand.
"Thanks Kate." I smiled as I lay my head on her shoulder.
"That's what I'm here for." She stated as we watched our husbands and her children play.

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