Telling the family

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Harrison POV:

I woke up to Rose still fast asleep in my arms. I smiled before slowly moving away from her and going downstairs. Quietly I started to make some fried egg and toast. Once done I made my way back upstairs to where my wife was still lying, only awake on her phone. She looked up as I placed the breakfast on the bedside table and smiled.

"Morning beautiful." I smiled, pecking her on the lips.
"Morning." She smiled as I got under the covers with her.
"You up long?"I asked as I sipped my coffee.
"Just a few minutes." She smiled as she rubbed her invisible bump.
" I still can't believe it." I smiled.
"Me neither. But even though we've only known for less then a week we have to tell the Queen." She said, looking over at me.
"That soon? Don't you normally wait twelve weeks or something?" I asked, confused.
"when your not in the public eye yeah. Unfortunately for us we have to and cameras will be all over us then." She sighed.
"Hey it will all be okay. We'll get through it. Why don't you get ready to meet the queen. I'll put these in the dishwasher and then get ready myself." I said causing her to nod.

Lily Rose POV:

As we got to the palace I began to feel a little nervous

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As we got to the palace I began to feel a little nervous. Harrison must of noticed because he grabbed my hand as the car pulled to a halt and smiled at me. I smiled back before we both got out and made our way inside. Grandmothers secretary looked up at us before grabbing the phone and calling grandmother.

"Come in my dears." She called as we walked into her office.
"Good morning your Majesty." I said as I curtsied and Harrison bowed.
"Please, just grandma will do, Harrison, you can call me Elizabeth. Please sit, both of you." She smiled, indicating to the two seats in front of her desk.
"How are you grandma?" I asked her as we sat down.
"I am quite well thank you. For what do I owe the pleasure of seeing the two of you today?"
"Well, we have some news." I started.
"Really?" She asked, leaning on her desk.
"Yes. For the past few days I had been feeling a little unwell. So I went to the doctor after doing a test and it's confirmed." I smiled.
"Your pregnant?" She asked, shocked.
"Yes, she is." Harrison confirmed.
"That's wonderful news. I'm so happy for you both."
"Thank you." We smiled back at her.
"I will call the Duke and Duchesses of Cambridge and Sussex along with Prince Charles, the Duchess of Cornwall and the Duke of Edinburgh." She said as she took the phone off it's holder.

Shortly afterwards my dad, stepmom and grandfather came into the room. The greeted us and curtsied or bowed to grandmother before sitting down while we waited for my brothers and sisters in law. Once they all came my grandmother stood up causing everyone to quieten down.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I know some of you have children at home and others enjoying their rarely time off. However, it has come to my attention that the Duke and Duchess of Kingston have some wonderful news. harrison, would you be so kind?" Grandma said before sitting down.
"Thank you Elizabeth. A couple of days ago Lily Rose was feeling a little unwell. She went and got some tests and now we know why. She is pregnant." He revealed, looking at me.
"Is this true?" My father asked with a small smile on his face.
"Yes I'm pregnant. The doctor even confirmed it." I stated.
"Baby Kingston number one on it's way already." Harry joked.
"Congratulations to the two of you." William smiled.
"YOu will make great parents." Kate smiled.
"Thank you."
"When shall it be announced." Grandfather asked his wife.
"Right now." She smiled as everyone hugged and congratulated us.



The Queen announces that the Duke and Duchess of Kingston are expecting their first child

The Duchess of Kingston, the former Lily Rose Diana of Wales , is understood to have found out a few days ago that she was pregnant, and had not intended to go public with the news until she was at least 12 weeks pregnant but knew that the Queen w...

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The Duchess of Kingston, the former Lily Rose Diana of Wales , is understood to have found out a few days ago that she was pregnant, and had not intended to go public with the news until she was at least 12 weeks pregnant but knew that the Queen would rather it be said early.
The Duke of Kingston was not with her when she took the pregnancy test but instead, her best friends girlfriend Zoe Sugg was. When Harrison found out he was over the moon.
The royal family are pleased with the news and can't wait for the young royal to make it's way into the world. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge along with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were seen making their way to their palace. It is said that that is where the news was revealed.

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