Texting someone special there

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lily Rose POV:

"Your royal highness, your brother and sister in law would like to meet you in his office immediately." Charlotte, our secretary said as I walked into the building.
"Tell him I'll be there once I change." I smiled.
"Right away miss." She said before curtsying and walking off.

I went up the stairs into my room and changed quickly before heading off to Williams office. I knocked before heading in when he called. he smiled as I came in.

 he smiled as I came in

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"You wanted me brother." I asked hugging Kate.
"Yes I did. How did the event go?" He asked as I sat across from him.
"It was, interesting, I suppose." I said hesitating to choose the right word.
"Interesting?" He asked leaning forward in his chair.
"Yea, interesting."
"Very well.  That's good to hear." He smiled sitting up straight.
"is that all?" I smiled teasingly.
"Yea." He said smiling.

I got up and kissed his cheek before hugging Kate and leaving his office. I decided to go to the rose garden so I went and sat on a bench in the middle of the garden. Just as I sat down my phone went off.

 Just as I sat down my phone went off

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"Hey sis

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"Hey sis."
I turned to see Harry and Meghan walking down the path towards me.
"Hey Harry, Meghan. How are you guys?" I asked getting up to hug Meghan.
"doing good yea doing good." I smiled as we sat down.
"Texting anyone special there." Meghan joked as I replied to Harrison.
"Oh no, not really. Hey, you doing anything tomorrow?" I asked.
"Not that I know of why?"
"Help me with something?" I asked.
"Sure. What?" She asked teasingly.
Harry looked at me with his eyebrows raised.
"I'll tell you when you come." I said looking at Harry trying not to laugh.

With that I bid goodbye to them and left them in the garden. As I made my way back I bumped into Kate.

"I do apologize Kate." I smiled.
"It's alright Lily." She smiled continuing down the stairs.
"kate." I called to her after thinking about it.
She turned and hummed.
"Can you come to my room tomorrow? I need help with something." I said noticing William coming out of his study.
"Sure." She smiled and left with William.

I continued my way to my room and flopped onto the bed.

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