(10) Where Is He

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It's been three months since I was in the hospital. I came out fine but Jonah was gone. Buffy told me he was forced to text me those things so I was going to apologise. But he was gone. Apparently he's been missing for months now and I really miss him.

Jonah's POV

Ugh. Another lonely depressing day. These guys gave me some alcohol to make me feel better. It's not working it's doing the opposite. I miss Cyrus. I don't really know where I am anymore but at least Cyrus is better off without me. I cried for hours again thinking about him.

So I decided to walk in one direction and I saw a figure that looked like Cyrus. I was wrong. "Amber!?"

A/E: Sorry this is a shorter chapter but I didn't have many ideas for it.

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