Ch. 14 Evaluation

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Jungkook pov

        Taehyung's sat on Jungkook's left with the sunshine boy, who they figured out was Yoongi's boyfriend and second in command was named Hoseok, on Jungkook's right. Yoongi at the head on Hoseok's right and across from Jungkook and Hoseok sat Namjoon and Jimin. Their plates were filled with many different American foods, like pasta, steak, and small hamburgers they called 'sliders'. It was good, but nothing like what they had at home.
         At that thought Jungkook could almost smell his mom cooking in the kitchen, the rich smells of spices and herbs blending together to making a amazing aroma. Then the scene changed from his mother cooking to her shot in the back laying face down on the concrete blood flowing and pooling around her body.
         "Jungkook!" Taehyung whisper shouted in Jungkook's ear. The world around him came crashing in, Hoseok's obnoxious laugh, Yoongi's little snickers, glasses clinking together. Then there was Taehyung's hand grasped firmly in Jungkook's and the life being squeezed out of it.
          "Shit I'm sorry... it was umm a flashback, not pleasant." Taehyung nodded in understanding and began rubbing small circles on Jungkook's hand to comfort him.
           "I'm betting this kid could be a real muscle man!" A drunk Hoseok yelled squeezing Jungkook's biceps. Yoongi shot daggers at Hoseok's move, but was totally ignored by the drunken man.
            "We'll see, but before evaluating them I'm gonna need Taehyung's body measurements." Jimin said
             Jungkook watched Taehyung nod and Jimin and him left the room. When the door shut the others began a normal conversation, or I guess what you could call normal for Mafia members considering the topics were, deaths, kidnaps, different spy missions, etc. Jungkook just sat there and finished his food and listened.
            "So Kook you been in any type of physical training in you life?" Yoongi said while sipping from a glass.
            "I did dance before I made my business, but that's it."
            "Ahh another dancer thank god!" Hoseok said slumping over me in a hug. Yoongi glared so I just laughed and lifted him off me.
            "Well your going to be pushing your body in some hardcore training this next month then we'll start giving you missions that fit what you were best at,"  Yoongi said standing up wiping his mouth. "Well I'm off to finish the set up I'll see you boys another time." With that he left the room with a drunk Hoseok following him and cooing at him all the way.

Taehyung pov

             "Arms out." Jimin directed, Taehyung stretched his arms complying as Jimin ran the tape measure across his wing span writing down the different information so the cadaver was perfect and everyone would believe he was truly dead.
             "Alright that's all I need." Taehyung lowered his arms and waited as Jimin typed something into his phone.
             Looking about the small room that was empty except for a chair and a couple of chains in the corner. Taehyung tried his best not to notice the blood stains on the floor as well.
            "It's the torture room." Jimin said standing between the door and the wall.
            "What!" Jimin laughed at Taehyung's shock
            "Yeah, but don't worry it's also for some reason the only room with a tape measure." Jimin said pushing off the wall he was leaning on and pushed the door the rest of the way open motioning for him to follow.
             Taehyung gulped and followed Jimin down the long hallway. They passed several closed rooms and a few open ones revealing servants making beds or doing laundry. It seemed peaceful like a boarding home or something, which it definitely was not it was home to one of the largest Mafias. When they made their way around a corner Jimin stopped at a door and unlocked it, when he opened it it revealed a stair case leading down to another door.
            "After you." Jimin said moving his arm out into the stair filled room as if he were a gentleman holding the door for a woman.
            Taehyung walked down the stairs to the door opening it to a large room. The room was filled with punching bags hanging from chains, dummies, a wall of knifes ranging from any size or shape, there was also a room off to the side that had a glass window all around showing off all difference types of guns and ammo. There were some targets in different parts of the room and a gun range outside of the large garage door that was on one side of the room.
            "There you are what took you so long?" Namjoon peaks out from around one of the punching backs in the back of the room with Jungkook following.
            "Sorry had to make sure all the measurements were right." Jimin said
            "Mmm," Namjoon said walking over to them. "Well let's get to finding their strengths and weaknesses."
            "Yep, what do y'all want to start with first, physical fitness or weapons?" Jimin asked moving so Taehyung and Jungkook were facing Namjoon and him.
            "Physical." Jungkook says and looks over at Taehyung who nods in agreement.
            "Great!" Jimin bounces over to the punching bags beckoning for Taehyung and Jungkook to follow. "Ok so these bags have devices in them so that when you punch them it measures many different things like force for example. So I want you guys to take 5 minutes straight punching the bag."
             Jungkook bounced a little in front of his bag on the balls of his feet and Taehyung tried to copy only looking awkward and out of place. When Jimin said go Taehyung swung.
             When his fist connected with the bag pain radiated in his arm and knuckles. Shaking his hand cursing he hears Jungkook's grunts and heavy blown out breaths as he hits the bag repeatedly getting praise from Namjoon on his good hits. Taehyung turns back wanting praise and to be as good as Kookie was at this. Pulling his arm back he strikes the bag again, this time the pain isn't as harsh. Again and again he hits the bag till his knuckles are split and a timer goes off, but ignoring it he continues slamming his fist into the bag.
            "Tae!" Jimin wraps his arms around him in like a backwards hug position to stop the punches Taehyung was throwing.
              Then Taehyung realized the timer had stopped, blood dripped from the bag and his split knuckles and everyone was looking at him, though it was hard to tell from the sweat falling into his eyes.

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