Ch. 27 Can't Wait

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Jungkook pov

       I sat along with Hoseok in a diner as he currently hacked the unsuspecting gang leader behind us that was chatting away with his family. It was shocking the way he acted around his family considering his file proved he was one of the most vile creatures on the planet. In this setting though he was laughing, kissing on his wife, speaking to his kids about grades and such, it was sweet and he seemed normal, but I've learned the signs of fake over the years and this was most definitely a cover up of his true nature.

       I didn't worry I was to busy daydreaming about tonight.


     "Kookie!" Taehyung whined dragging out the 'ie' as he tried dragging me back in bed as well.

      "Sorry baby I have to go, but I'll be back tonight don't worry." I smiled at him as I pulled a way a pout deep in his lips. Those oh so kissable lips. If I didn't have a damn mission today then I'd be making sure this tease wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow.

       Since his attempt was only a week ago Yoongi still wants him to have time to recover. Especially since his next job is a assassin. So I have to go out with Hoseok and get a feel of the man who he's going to be hacking and then later on that man is to be killed by me.

     "Fine, but your all mine tonight." Taehyung said with a suggestive smirk that almost made me choke. I simply nodded needing to get out of the room before I stayed and well y'know.

Flashback over:

       Needless to say I'm extremely excited. I bit my lip imagining what wonderful things will happen tonight. No more mister nice guy either I'm about to let my kinky self go free.

      "Can you not think of such things around me please." Hoseok said looking at me with disgust. When I had left the room he had been outside the door waiting and hearing everything that had happened.

       "Oh fuck off Hyung, you and Yoongi have scarred me multiple times when I've walked into the living room to find you to fucking like rabbits." I say rolling my eyes. "Oh and who's the bottom? Cause like sometimes I walk in on You topping and sometimes I walk in on Yoongi topping."

      "We switch, but mostly Yoongi," Hoseok said so nonchalantly. Just shrugging at my surprise of his so easy to admittance. "But don't say anything cause he'll get pissed."

      "Wow. The leader of a fucking Mafia is a sub!" I bust out laughing causing some people to look, but most don't care. "And to his second in command at that! Oh my!"

      "Mhmm... Alright I'm done let's go and remember not a single word, I don't like it as much when Yoongi tops and he does it only when he's pissed so let's not make him mad, yeah?" I can only nod in response as I bite back another fit of laughter as we head out of the store.

                        *            *            *

      After we get home from the assignment I walk back to mine and Taehyung's shared room, only for my jaw to drop at the sight.

      The dimly lit room, most of the light coming from candles lit around the room, smelling amazing. A bottle of some type of alcohol in a ice filled bucket with a glass next to it. Which will be neglected because there is no way I'm waiting on a drink with Taehyung looking this damn good.

     Taehyung lays with his back against the pillows on the bed. In beautiful white lingerie that complements his sun kissed skin perfectly. He held a glass in his hand filled with a drink that he was slightly sipping at looking at me with a perfect raised eyebrow, and a slight smirk on his rosy lips. Fuck just the sight of him had my cock twitching uncontrollably. I licked my lips as his smirk grew and he sat his cup down on the side table strutting over to me. Making sure he swung his hips in a hypnotic way.

      "Fuck you were kidding where you." I huskily say as he wraps his arms around my neck staring deeply into my eyes.

      "Nope. And I was thinking maybe we could upscale it from last time." As he says that he turns me so I can see the dresser behind me that's covered in different sex toys that has me quivering with excitement.

      "Glad I'm not the only one who wanted to show their kinky side tonight." With that I lift him up by his thighs and press him against the wall to help hold his body weight. He responds immediately by wrapping his legs around me tightly.

     I quickly connect our lips not being able to hold back any longer. My slightly rough ones against his perfectly plump ones moving in harmony. My tongue slides against his bottom lip asking for entrance which he gladly allows. My tongue exploring every inch of his mouth. Next thing I know Taehyung's hand starts sliding his hand away from its placement on my neck to my waist line ghosting over my hard member. I moan at the contact enjoying his touch.

     When I pull away I breathlessly ask him "Where'd you get all this stuff?"

     "Oh I went shopping with Jin Hyung today. We were supposed to just go out to eat and I accidentally let my idea for tonight slip and well he offered to help, since for some odd reason he knows a lot about you sexual likes." Taehyung said a small blush creeping up his cheeks making them look all rosy and cute.

     "Yeah, were very open with each other and damn he did a great job helping." I laugh as I set Taehyung down moving over to all the toys.

     My hands graze against the cuffs, whips, gags, and other bondage things. I look up at Taehyung darkly.

    "How do you feel about bondage?"

     "Anything for you Daddy." He lets out looking at me with the same dark lust infested look.


Next chapter is obviously smut I was gonna do it for this chapter but I didn't want to make it to long.

I'll try and update as much as I can I have sports coming up tomorrow and the next couple of months so I don't know how much I'll be able to write but I'll do my best!

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