Ch. 28 Kinky

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Jungkook pov

"Anything for you Daddy."

Shit this tease is in for it now. I select a couple items, including the cuffs and a whip. His eyes slightly widened, but shakes it away quickly putting a more determined face on.

"Being such a damn tease gets you a punishment you know that right? You had Daddy nearly hard all day at work because of your dirty self." I say walking towards him swinging the whip in a circle.

"Y-Yes Daddy I'm a bad boy. Please punish me." He practically moans.

With that I cuff one of his hands to the headboard of the bed and the post of the dresser, so he was standing in the space between the bed and dresser standing facing the wall his arms slightly spread accommodate to the leeway of the cuff chain. And his thick ass facing me, I licked my lips at the sight his beautiful self all dolled up just for me.

I brought the whip up dragging it down along his back making Taehyung shiver at the feeling. When I reached his ass I brought it back slightly and flicked it forward. The slap along with the sound of a moan filled the room. My pants grew tighter as my member harded at Taehyung's sinful moans.

"Cum untouched and I'll stop the whipping part of your punishment ok doll." I said as I hit him again.

Repeatedly I whipped him again and again his whimpers and loud moans driving me insane as I continued. It took around twenty whips before he came his legs shaking at the orgasm. His load now on his chest and along the wall a bit. When I took the cuffs off his body buckled into my arms and I laugh as I placed him of the bed. I bite back a moan at the sight him all messed up from his release now laying out along the bed just asking to be fucked in that lingerie.

Taking the cuffs once again I chained him to the headboard and went to grab some more stuff.

Taehyung pov

This was all so new and so, so different. And I fucking love it! Who knew I was such a kinky bastard. The whip was like heaven and damn the whole extra dominant Kook is one hell of a turn on.

"Let's get you preped while you recover a bit." Jungkook said barely giving me anytime as he used some of the left over cum from my release to slip in a butt plug.

After a minute of him messing with some kind of control the plug started vibrating. I moaned loud and started shaking at the sensation, my dick going hard again. Jungkook chuckle which pissed me off cause I'm sitting here obviously needy for your touch and your bitch of a self is just laughing at me. The hell do you think you are?!

"J-Jung— K-k—ah fuck—" I couldn't even say his name the pleasure coursing though me uncontrollably.

"Yes babyboy? What is it that you want?" Jungkook said just lazily looking at me and kicking the vibrations up even higher. Heat pooling into my stomach as I felt my release nearing once again.

"F-fuh... Damn it just fuck me already!" I screamed as he turned up the vibrator to the highest level and I came once again, going all up my chest and on my face a little.

"As you wish." With that he stood up and made his way over to me.

He first stripped himself of his shirt in pants leaving him in he boxers. He climbed onto the bed hovering over me on all fours. He lean down and licked the remaining cum off my chin before kissing my lips. He bit my bottom lip causing me to moan only to be cut off as he slipped his tongue in my mouth. He stopped kissing me pulling away for a breath before continuing down my neck.

He began sucking on the sensitive spots causing the lewd sounds of my moans the fill the room. He continues abusing my neck turning it into a field of soon to be hickeys and love bites. I pulled at the cuff when traveled down my stomach. Covering it with beautiful hickeys marking me as his and licking up the cum from my earlier releases.

"Now I think you've been punished enough, Daddy shall reward you now by fucking You senseless how does that sound?" Jungkook said as he removed the butt plug and pulled off his boxers aligning his dick with my hole.

"Yes please Daddy! I don't want to be able to wal—" I wasn't even able to finish my sentence when he slammed into me.

I let out a part scream part moan at his forceful entrance. He looked down at me wickedly as he waited for me to adjust to his size. A simple nod is all I could give to sign for him to to move. And he took no time in waiting either.

He lifted my legs to rest on his shoulders so he had better access to go deeper. He snapped his hips forward slamming into me at a quick pace turning me into a moaning mess with each hit. Clapping skin, moans, groans, and other lewd/ sinful sounds were all you could here throughout the room. With one forceful hit he hit my prostate causing me to scream and he smirked mumbling a there it is. The next thing I know he's abusing the bundle of nerves making me moan and scream like I've never done before.

"You're such a good slut for Daddy, you pleasure me so well." Jungkook said sorta breathless,

"Ah— any-th-thing for y-you D-Daddy." I said all broken as he continued to fuck me quite literally senseless.

He continued slamming into me at a animalistic pace, repeatedly hitting my prostate. After another minute I started seeing stars and a familiar heat pooled into my stomach once again. It took one more hit of my prostate for me to cum again shooting my load on mine and Jungkook's chest. A few more sloppy thrust and Jungkook came too filling my hole more than it already was with the white liquid.

He pulled out both of us breathing heavily coming down from our highs. His cum seeping out of my hole onto the bed sheets wetting them even more. I closed my eyes and started drifting off.

Looking up at Jungkook seeing as to why he wasn't untying me. He was up going to more of the toys setting some aside.

"What are you doing?" I said laying my head back down to tried to hold it up anymore.

"You didn't think we were done did you?" Jungkook said smirking at me wickedly and I just gulped. How many more rounds could this man possibly go? I'm not going to be able to walk ever again.

RIP Tae's ass.
Heres some smut my lovely dirty people!

So I also may have skipped practice today to write and be fat and lazy! Lmao I seriously need to work out :(

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