Ch. 21 Euphoria

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Jungkook pov

We were in the car outside of the strip club. I was having to give Taehyung this big speech about how he would be fine no drunk people are going to hit on you and rape you, cause all he knows about strip clubs is from stories and such, cause apparently he was extremely sheltered in his up bringing so he never experienced much of the fun of teen life. I was used to a club though I've been to many, strip, gay, country, any type of club you name it and I've probably been there.

"But like roofies are tasteless and stuff so how will I know if it happened to me!" Taehyung squealed in the passenger seat fiddling with his thumbs nervously.

"God, Taehyung I've been to places like this more times than I can count and I've never been roofied or anything, plus I'll be there with you I won't let anything bad happen." I said rubbing my hands down my face as I kept telling him everything will be fine. "Just remember it is a strip club so the workers will hit on you just tell them you're not interested and they'll move on, got it."

"Yeah, okay." Taehyung grumbled as we got out of the car.

We approached the building bright different colored lights flashed out of the open door of the building. There was a huge line, but we skipped it heading straight to the hopper.

"Hey you fucking Twinks! Lines back here!" A couple guys yelled from behind us and I just threw them the middle finger.

"Names and ID's." The hopper said looking very exhausted as he stood there with his arms crossed lazily looking down at us.

I pulled out our ID's of my pockets since Taehyung was more than likely to lose them and handed them to the man. He looked at the ID's and back at us before he just shook his head and stood out of the way of the door so we could enter.

"Welcome to The Euphoria, Justin and Jack." The hopper said as we passed him. Justin and Jack were our fake ID names.

The music was loud, but not like a frat party we're you couldn't even hear yourself think. More so like a slightly loud background noise that wasn't so bad you had to raise your voice to much to talk to the person next to you. I looked over to see Taehyung wide eye gaping at the place as he tried to take it all in. Since the club was sexuality friendly they had both male and female strippers on stage. Some danced together and some went solo, their little to no clothes reflecting the light due The the metallic fabric.

"Hey boys." A girl said walking up to me placing a hand on my chest as she dragged out the S.

She looked up at me lust evident in her young eyes. I knew she had to be less than 18, 19. I sighed the poor girl, while she had on good makeup I could see the small bruises and cuts of her face. I looked down at her wrist seeing very evident scars from what looked like years of self harm. I sighed grabbing her hand taking it off my chest backing up a step. She looked slightly confused through her bright lustful smile.

"Don't do this to yourself, you don't deserve this life you're young and have a whole life ahead of you, get out of this mess and do something with your life don't end up like how half these people will, overdosed in a alley way." I said giving her a warm smile. She looked up at me and simply nodded before walking off into the crowd, but not before Jungkook could catch the tear running down her cheek.

"That was sweet." Taehyung said looping his arm in mine as we made our way to the bar to get a drink and look around for the manager.

"I just hate to see people throw their lives away." I said with a shrug as I ordered some drinks.

When we get our drinks I look around the crowed room. There was a large stage towards the back of the room and a door way to the left of it where I watched many people walking in an out of for "special dances". All the poor people in the room throwing their bodies away for drugs, sex, and money. I continued scanning the room until my eyes landed upon a man at the corner of the stage right a the opening for the workers to walk on and off the stage. He was fat and short with balding hair and a nasty go-T. He looked like the definition of a perv. He was in the face of the stripper that had tried to make a move on me earlier. The argument kept getting more and more heated until the man slapped her across the face.

Her being weak and more than likely malnourished she fell to the floor where the man kicked her repeatedly before walking back stage. I watched as she attempted to get up only staggering back down.

"Shit Tae I have to help this girl." I said making my way over to the girl before Taehyung could respond.

I pushed my way though the many sweaty bodies and the nasty men throwing their money at the girls and guys. It was even more disgusting when I looked down noticing marriage rings on their hands and were screaming to the strippers to take them to the back room for a "Good Fuck". I finally pushed my way over to the end of the stage where the woman was barely standing, wobbly shaking as she held onto the handrail.

"Kook what the hel- Oh shit!" I heard Taehyung say behind me as I walked up to the girl grabbing her wrist to steady her.

"Oh hey boys, nice seeing you two again." She said in a painful attempt to sound seductive. Her right eye was black and swollen her lip busted and a couple split cuts on her cheeks. "Do you two want to go to a special room?"

"Shut it I saw what the manger did." I said as I helped her walk down the stairs. "But if the room will get us privacy to talk then yes we'll go."

She looked nervous at my comment about the I made about me seeing what the man did to her. She nodded weakly and stumbled taking us to the back rooms. It was a small space with a bed and a couple dildos in a basket in the corner along with lube and condoms. The sound of other people in other rooms moaning and grunting made me cringe in disgust. I saw Taehyung's eyes go large as he hear the noises from the other rooms and look as if he were going to hurl.

"Tae do you think you can handle doing the data swiping?" I whispered to him as I sat the girl on the bed. He nodded walking back out into the sweaty bodies near the stage cheering for the near naked men and women dancing to get by in life.

"G-go," the woman says as I start addressing her wounds. "I have to get back out there and you need to leave."

She tried to get up and leave but I snagged her wrist setting he back on the bed in the small disgusting room. She had bruises all over her body along with the ones on her face. She sucked in a pained breath while I checked her over.

"Just bruises and cuts nothing seriously injured." I said helping her stand up.

"Thank y-you." She stuttered

"Your Welcome now here," I handed her some cash. "There is a apartment three blocks from here room 212. Stay there and find you another job you don't deserve this life." With that I sneaked her out the back door going back in to find Tae.

Thank you so much for 400+ reads it means so much!!!

Also I think I might just update as I get chapters finished cause I hate leaving y'all hanging. Especially when I have chapters just waiting to be published.

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