Ch. 17 Wow

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Warning: this chapter contains mature content and if you are triggered by that then I suggest you skip this chapter it will not have any affects on the next chapter if you do skip it.


Taehyung's pov

I felt bad about not going back to the room with Jungkook. It seemed like he really needed me for something. I was hungry though after all that training earlier had kicked my ass and all I want to do is eat and sleep.

When I opened the door and came into the room the door was immediately closed behind me and I was pushed into the wall. In the dim light I could tell it was Jungkook, his hand on the wall beside my head and his other pushed against my chest. One of his legs pushed between mine keeping me pinned to the wall as well. His face was mere centimeters from mine. His eyes bore into mine they were filled with so much want and hunger, some like I've never seen before in his eyes.

"Tae." He said his eyes trailing to my lips.

"Y-Yes?" I choked out. He didn't reply with words instead with his lips.

This kiss wasn't like any kiss I'd had with him before in the whole month we had been together. We had shared very passionate kisses yes, but this one was different, more wanting, needing, less holding back it was as full force as people would call tongues down each other throats. Of course our tongues where in each other's mouth, but not down each other's throats. What I mean is it is a heavy make out session.

His hands began roaming from my chest to my hips and underneath my shirt squeezing my bare hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and knotting my fingers in the back of his hair. I pulled every now and again to make a moan escape his lips, every time I did this though the rougher he got with me.

"Bed. Now." Jungkook's dominating voice whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

When I crawled on the bed I laid on my back and watched as Jungkook stared at me hungrily and bit his lip.

"Your so damn sexy." He said to me making me blush.

He then pulled his shirt over his head exposing his muscular body. I felt my erection grow and he just smiled a wicked bunny tooth grin at me.

"Fuck." I said dragging out the 'u' and the 'k'.

"I was about to say the same thing baby," Jungkook said crawling onto the bed hovering over me. "Now what are these clothes still doing on you?"

As soon as the words left his lips he was pulling my shirt over my head and dragging my pants off my body. After a minute of struggle I was left in my boxers only. He looked down at me and whistled.

"Someone's excited." He then came back over top of me and began kissing me heavily. His hand was on my member rubbing it through the fabric. This gained him several moans from me and every time his kisses and rubbing got rougher at the sound of it.

Eventually he stopped rubbing and I whined at the loss of friction. Jungkook had stood up and gotten himself completely naked. I was in awe of his size, feeling slightly subconscious of mine, but he simply motioned for me to come closer. When I was close enough he began kissing me again. Somehow between those kisses and gasps for air we found our way back to the bed. He on his back and me over top of him.

My lips began to travel to his neck kissing, sucking, biting all over it and collarbones. When I stopped and looked down at him he was looking at me with hooded eyes lazily looking at me. I smiled before I began kissing down his chest stopping at his dick. Gaining every bit of confidence I had I licked a stripe from the base to the tip before putting my mouth around the tip sucking lightly.

"Ahh! Fuckkk Tae." Jungkook moaned putting his hand in my hair gently pushing. I began bobbing my head in the rhythm of Jungkook's pushes.

Then the pushes didn't matter he began bucking his hips driving his member farther down my throat gagging me. His moans made me proud I was able to pleasure him. After a few minutes his thrusts became sloppier and less rough and with one final groan he released him my mouth. I swallowed it and went back to kissing Jungkook.

He flipped me onto my back and began attacking my neck and collarbones just as I had done his, leaving plenty of love bites and hickeys. He kissed down my not as toned stomach stopping to rip off my boxers.

"This will probably hurt." He said as he stroked my cheek. Then I felt him enter me. It burned and felt as if I were being ripped apart, but at the same time it was the most pleasurable thing I had ever experienced. I screamed out and Jungkook muffled it with kisses and kept kissing till I adjusted to his size.

"I think you can move now." I whispered in his ear.

That's all it took for him to start moving. I moaned louder and louder with everyone of his thrusts gasping when he hit the right spot. I wrapped my arms around his back clawing when he hit the right spots. His back became my canvas.

Jungkook began going fast pounding into me and I arched my back at the forceful thrust moaning and clawing all the while. As the sounds of clapping skin moans and grunts we heard he just went faster and harder.

"Fuck Tae your so tight! Ngh-" Jungkook moaned as he trusted into me continuously.

"Ahh- Kookie!" I screamed as he hit my prostate over and over again. Heat began to build in my stomach telling me I was close to my release. "Jungkook I'm gon-" I didn't even finish my sentence before I released on both of us shooting on to his and my stomachs.

"Fuck that was hot." I looked up to see Jungkook looking down at me as he continued thrusting, his hair stuck to his forehead from the sweat. He moan and thrusted once more before releasing inside me filling me whole.

He collapsed beside me on the bed and reached down to grasp a towel and lazily cleaned me and him up. When he was done I rolled over and cuddled into his chest not ever wanting to let go and not wanting this night to end.

I don't know if I did good or not? It's my first smut so maybe it will get better. How I do?

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