Chapter 6: Never satisfied

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HI GUYS! Here is chapter 6, small cursing from Blue in this one, you have been warned.

Red's slumber had been light and dreamless. In his sleep, he was still aware of his surroundings and hearing every sound. And the brown-haired boy did not feel rested at all when he woke up. In fact, he didn't feel tired anymore. He was roused from his sleep by a dream. One of those annoying dreams in which he was standing on the edge of a deep dark precipice and felt himself fall. He woke up with a jolt and now he was tormented by the desire to leave. Leave far, far away.

Red took a deep breath to try and calm his quickly beating heart and shook his head, running both of his small hands in his messy short hair. He couldn't form a coherent thought in his mind except the one sentence he kept repeating inwardly to himself. I can't stay here... I can't stay here...

It came to him like a flash; a sudden realization. He didn't want to be a champion. He didn't want to sit on the throne all day, waiting for someone to come along to battle him. He didn't want to have to wait to be beaten before he could be released of this contract. Was there even someone out there who could beat him as he was now?

The distressed boy looked out the window to the big white disk that was casting its pale light over his bed. There was such a big world out there. So many places he'd never been to. He wanted to see it all. He used to be a timid child who felt most content in the safety and familiarity of his hometown but after all his time spent on the road, living off of his own earnings and learning how to take care of himself, Red didn't want to give up his newfound freedom and independence yet. The League didn't need him. They could always find another champion. Give the title back to Lance. Or Blue, who would probably be glad to take on the role again. But for Red, being a champion meant nothing if it meant he had to give up the traveling, the new challenges, give up being himself. Before, he had thought becoming a champion would satisfy him. Getting him the recognition and the satisfaction he sought. Blue had still come way too close to beating him and if they were to battle again, he actually might beat him this time. That thought alone terrified him for reasons he couldn't begin to explain. He had to get stronger. So strong he would be unbeatable.

Enough was enough. His decision was taken and it was final. Red slid out of his bed and changed into his usual jeans and black shirt without forgetting his red jacket and of course, his cap. Taking his pokéballs with him and stuffing them in his yellow backpack, the young trainer slipped out of his room silently, careful not to wake his mom.

When he step foot outside, there was no noise save for the mysterious song of the crickets. With unwavering purpose, Red pulled out Charizard's pokéball and released the fire dragon from its capsule. Without looking back, the young boy climbed on the pokémon's back and flew up at full speed into the starry night sky.

Blue had already decided, when he got up that morning, that he would not be staying home for a long time. The warm golden sun and the chirping of the pidgeys did nothing to improve his foul mood. He felt ready to explode in rage like a primeape at the first provocation. Blue Oak was angry and the whole world was to blame.

There was no need to stay here, in boring old Pallet Town, with his sister trying to get him to be happy with the silver medal and his grandfather constantly lecturing him about his attitude. As a matter of fact, leaving Kanto completely began to sound like an appealing idea. Going away for a while, giving those parasitic journalists the time to forget about him and go make a living off of someone else's broken dreams. Perhaps exploring another region would help him get his mind off things.

Most of all, he wanted to stay away from Red. His initial impulse upon waking up this morning had been to challenge his bothersome neighbor, crush him and set things right. After all, giving up was not in his vocabulary and he prided himself in the fact that he had taken every opportunity he had to battle Red and had never backed down from a challenge himself. It would not be said that Blue Oak was a coward. However, even for how pissed he was, he still had a sense of rationality, which told him that challenging him again right now might not be a good idea. There was still a slim chance that things might not work out the way he wanted them to and he had a feeling that another loss might drive him crazy.

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