Chapter 36: Epilogue: A letter to my mom

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You will notice that this chapter is written in a different format than the rest of the story. I thought it would be a good idea to convey the story in a simple way that worked around my writer's block. It's also very short; I hope you're not disappointed.

Epilogue: A letter for my mom

I know you're probably wondering where I am right now. I wish I could tell you, but it's too risky to do so for now.

I think you probably figured out by now why I had to leave. I can't tell you how sorry I am. I had no other choice. Even though I did what I did with only the best intentions, my actions came at a steep price. But it's going to be my burden, and mine alone. I hope you understand.

I know you were at the funeral, just like every citizen of Pallet and Viridian and probably every gym leader in Kanto. You didn't see me, but I was there too. I couldn't be seen amongst all that crowd; not when the police are looking for the one responsible, but I came to pay my respects to my best friend. Blue and I said everything we needed to say before the end.

Blue was already famous as he was but now, after his death, he has become somewhat of a legend. Everyone wonders how it happened and who did it. Nobody outside of that hospital knew just how bad his condition was; because he kept it all a secret. Because of that, people keep wondering if he died from illness or from injury. Of course, many of them suspected it was suicide or murder... But deep in my heart, I know it was none of those things...

I had to leave because what I did was what most would consider a crime. I don't really have a particular goal in mind but I need time to grieve. It's difficult to go on living like this. I miss my friend. People know we were friends. My apparent absence at his funeral was noticed, I know. That's why I need to lay low for a while.

I heard professor Oak retired after that. During his last visit at the hospital, Blue told him not to visit him for a few days so he could rest. I imagine he had a hard time dealing with the fact that Blue had just been trying to get him to leave so he could die without anyone interfering.

I was wondering how Daisy would react. She has been awfully quiet and distant during this whole nine months of hell. I heard Blue actually gave all of the money he had to her so she could raise her baby without having to worry about income.

Maybe this is just to show what I realized a long time ago. When I looked at all these people gathered around when they buried him next to his parents, I can't help but think: who among these people really knew him?

Who really knew the real him? Blue always kept that facade up but I had the chance to see who he really was. He was not the selfish, insensitive and cruel bully people made him out to be. Nobody really knew who he was deep down inside, except for me.

He was a free spirit and from the very beginning, he forced me to become more than I was. He always was much stronger than me. He taught me to stand up for myself. I never would have become the trainer I am without him. Without an adversary, a fighter is nothing. Without my friend, I feel like I am nothing.

Sometimes, I feel like it's never going to end. Nothing means anything anymore. Things start happening that don't make sense. I have these horrible nightmares and when I wake up, it takes a while before I remember where I am and why I'm there. I feel so guilty about this that I don't even feel like running anymore. Let the police find me and take me away. The only reason I don't do it is because I know Blue wouldn't have wanted me to surrender like that. He once risked his life to save mine and I can't let his sacrifice go to waste. But I'm afraid... because I feel like I'm losing control again...

Sometimes I see him walking by my side. It's not like it was the last time it happened. He's never right in front of me. He's always hanging at the edge of my vision. When I try to look, he disappears but I know it's him. But I know it's not real. I know what is going on. That is what I feared the most.

I went back to that research facility and I got that pokémon back. The one Team Rocket was after. The one they killed Blue to get. They said it was too dangerous and aggressive to be tamed but this time, when I released it, it didn't attack. It's a psychic type. They can see what lies buried in our hearts. You can't hide what's in your heart. It saw something that convinced it that I wasn't its enemy. It's with me now. I carry it with me but it has just as much power over me as I do over it.

I feel like I'm about to stumble in the dark and I feel like not trying to get back up. It never gets any better. I don't think I can live with this much longer. I wish I could see you. I wish things could go back the way they were before... I wanna start this over again.

I don't know what awaits me at the end of the road. But if I don't see you again, mom, I want you to know that you were the greatest mother a son could have asked for. Don't feel bad for me. It was my choice and I am prepared to live with the consequences.

I love you.


So this is it guys. The story about Red and Blue's friendship. I found it fitting to end it by a letter from Red to his mom, explaining how he felt. It's short, but there's a lot of details hidden between the lines.I just hope its shortness doesn't make it feel rushed.

This story. OOF. I loved it so much, it made me cry ;( But yeah, this is the end. The roller coaster has reached the end. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! By the way, the actual author of this book is working on another story, it begins right as Red and Blue return from Alola. (So around chapter 24) only nothing bad happened to Blue. Yet. It isn't finished yet.

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