Chapter 21: A fool to believe

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Chapter 21: A fool to believe

Blue was quiet for the entirety of the flight back to Kanto. Something was bothering him, obviously, and the simple fact that the gym leader remained silent as to why was the only indicator Red needed to figure out it had something to do with his family. The brunette knew better than to ask him about it. Even though, after six years of being friends, they grew as close as brothers, Blue still refused to talk about his family problems. Red was starting to suspect that, considering how his friend did everything in his power to avoid going back to Pallet Town, he was trying to sever the ties with his relatives completely. Whatever was going on in the Oak family, Blue deemed that cutting it out of his life would be less painful than keeping it close. It was easier said than done, though.

Red was as surprised as he was worried to have Blue accompany him to Pallet Town. The former champion wanted to see his mother for the first time since Daisy's wedding and stay at his childhood home for a while and he fully expected Blue to head back to his gym a soon as they landed in Kanto. As the two trainers made their way through Viridian Forest and towards the peaceful village, the only explanation Red got was: "There's something I have to do." Something bad had happened... or was about to happen.

Red definitely saw the trouble coming when he and Blue spotted Daisy and her husband talking in the Oak's front yard. They were too far to hear what was being said but judging from the flailing arms and rigid postures, they were visibly arguing. The former champion saw his friend's eyes narrow and his fists clench.

The fiery argument came to an abrupt halt when the couple spotted Blue heading their way. The blonde trainer advanced towards them with the determination of a boxer stepping into the ring. Red kept his distance, considering it was none of his business what was going on, but he very intentionally stayed nearby where he could keep an eye on the events, simply because he knew Blue's temper could explode in the blink of an eye, especially if his sister was involved and that neither she nor her husband could possibly keep him under control.

"B-Blue!" Daisy acknowledged his presence with clear worry.

Obviously knowing her brother well, she instinctively put herself between him and her husband which only served to irritate him some more. Blue did not even stop walking and just pushed her gently but firmly out of his way.

Daisy's husband's annoyed expression changed to one of unease when the gym leader walked up right to his face with a murderous glare and he had no choice but to back away until his shoulders hit the wall of the house. Blue kept advancing until they were nose to nose.

There was a moment of silence and the tension was palpable. Neither Red nor Daisy ever knew that scrawny Blue Oak knew how to make himself look this intimidating; like he took lessons from his Gyarados, removing any willingness to fight back from his target who was almost shaking in fear. Blue was neither very big nor particularly tall; there was nothing inherently scary about him but the way he was now, glaring fiercely at his brother-in-law, Red thought even Bruno would think twice before provoking him. The brunette noted how his friend didn't go straight for the beating as he surely would have a few years before but he figured that he was just waiting for the guy to give him a reason to hand him his own ass. The gym leader was visibly enraged but that was about as much as he knew for the moment being.

"You…" Blue spat, making the extent of his scorn clear. "You have ten seconds to beg for forgiveness and leave this town forever before I shove those stupid glasses up your ass!"

"Blue!" Daisy attempted to interject but was ignored by both men.

"Who the hell are you?" her husband asked, trying to hide his fear underneath his previous anger.

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