Chapter 22: Remember who you are

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Chapter 22: Remember who you are

Red gave Blue a couple days to recover from the incident with his sister, knowing he would need space, peace, and quiet. He had no clue how his friend was gonna deal with such a harsh punishment; he didn't know how he was gonna react. One thing was for sure, though. No one had seen or heard about him since he left. Even his gym had been closed, which was probably pissing the League off. Knowing him, he could be anywhere; in his gym or halfway across the world. Blue didn't answer his phone or reply to his texts. There was nothing but dead silence for a week.

Red hadn't seen Daisy or her now ex-husband either; not that he had been looking for them. Up to this point, he, and pretty much everybody else thought that Henry was a good man for her and that Blue was completely overreacting regarding their union. He barely knew his former brother-in-law; his suspicions regarding the marriage were completely unfounded. By some incredible twist of fate no one saw coming but him, it turned out that Henry really was a jackass. Was it a simple coincidence? Or did Blue have this ability to read people's personalities with much more accuracy than the average person?

Regardless, the former champion couldn't side with his friend on this one. What he did to Henry was deserved a hundred times over. A man who cheats on his wife and abandons his family was something he couldn't stand for for very personal reasons. Blue had just tried to avenge and protect his sister. Granted, it may not have been in the most rational, mature and civilized way but who could blame him for that?

Apparently, Daisy could. She might not have realized the state this whole situation was gonna put her brother in but it had clearly been a mistake to get him involved. Her reasons for doing so were still a mystery to the former champion but it didn't really matter at this point. Red had witnessed the most violent and painful family conflict he had ever seen. Blue was not a very sensitive guy except for a few very specific subjects. He would have gotten over the whole thing relatively quickly had his sister not flat out turned against him at the most crucial moment. But that was not even the worst thing. It was how she had accused him of ruining her whole life for having had to take care of him after the death of their parents; a situation he couldn't possibly be held responsible for and one that had changed the course of his life and hurt him most of all. It was the cruelest thing his sister could have said to him.

Daisy's wish to be free of the responsibility of her rambunctious little brother was understandable but it was absolutely unfair to blame him for it, considering that he had only been five when they were both orphaned. Sure, Daisy may not have meant it, in her burst of anger and emotionally stressful situation but Red had a feeling it wouldn't matter to Blue, now. His sister had turned against him despite his wish to protect her. She had hurt him and broke his heart. He would no doubt take it like a betrayal…. And Blue didn't take betrayal very well. He was not a forgiving person and once his trust was lost, it was lost for good.

After a week and a half with absolutely zero news, Red (and his mom) started to worry. Just how far could Blue go to exorcise a pain of this magnitude? Concerned for his well-being and faithful to his self-imposed duty to be supportive to his friend, the former champion decided that at least a visit to the gym was in order.

Professor Oak apparently caught wind of his plan because the troubled old man came by their house not long before the time of his intended departure. Margaret let him in as Red was just finishing his breakfast.

It was Red's first time really seeing the old man in over six years. Samuel Oak had always looked good despite his age. He had good posture, a well groomed appearance and he used to walk with confidence and ease. He never gave off an impression of fragility like many elders did. Now nearing his 70th year of life, the patriarch looked a lot frailer than he used to. His movements were slow and careful, his back was slightly hunched over, his wrinkles had gotten deeper and his hair had completely lost its color. Sure, 69 wasn't that old; many people were still active and lively in their 70's but dear old professor Oak might have aged before his time. He was a man who had suffered many losses and had carried a lot of great responsibilities, having gotten very little appreciation for it.

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