7 - Long lost relatives?

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Page 67
Dear Diary,
I have a secret and no-one can find out..,
*I have  2 siblings who have been disowned*
My parents went to the orphanage and signed a couple papers and left my older sister and younger brother. Its because they both are disabled. My sister Jasmine Balera Still was blind and my brother, Mark Balera Still had no legs. I felt so bad when my own blood related parents had DIS-OWNNED my very own sibling!!
Karen Balera Still

That was a diary entry read by Alex. Alex was stunned. She has an uncle and an aunt. But she still was confused on why her surname was 'Belara Still' she was about to close the book when a piece of paper fell out.

Page 413
Dear Diary,
I'm being disowned..., I'm crying right now, which is why this page is soaking wet. I don't know what I'm feeling inside but I don't like it!! My heart feels so heavy I could fall down. My own blood related parents don't want to keep me anymore. I'm only 13! My parents raised me to be a Balera Still...., I feel like they just gave up on me, like I have no meaning, like I have no purpose!! Oh no, my mom is coming up to my room.., I guess I'm going now to the orphanage centre.
Karen Balera Still

Alex was so into her mom's diary that she didn't notice her mom was knocking on the door. Alex smelled a certain scent and immediately ran to the door.

"Alex??......... Sweetie, are you there?? Let me in!!"

"Coming mom!!"

"What happened pumpkin? I've been knocking for a few minutes now!"

"Sorry I was just tired and didn't notice you knocking.., sorry about that...,"

"That's alright,"

"By the way, why didn't you just come in??", Alex wondered.

"I wanted to give you your space.., I know that I wasn't the nice these couple days so I just brought you some hot cocoa with marshmallows and whipped cream!"

"Yay!!!!", she screamed "so that's the scent I picked up.., anyways mom..," she started as she stared at the birch wood planks on her floor.

"Yes honey, is everything alright?"

"Um, yeah it's just that..., well you see, um, uh...", Alex stuttered.

"Yes..,", said Karen movong her hand in a way telling me to continue.

Alex wasn't up to the task..., she didn't want to tell her mom now.., she did not want to ruin it all now.., she was afraid that's her mom will shout at her, rather ground Alex from watching Netflix..., AGAIN! *lol*

"Uh..., I actually wanted to help you make dinner, I know you've worked hard and you need a break..,"

"Why do you want to help me make dinner? If you wanted to help, why didn't you make dinner yourself??"

"Mom, are you hearing yourself right now?, you're asking me, to cook dinner, by myself, in 1 hour!!"

"You have a point!!"

Alex hopped of her bed and scurried downstairs with her mom to help her make dinner.

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