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I had been queuing for hours but Steven Ogg was the only person I had been desperate to see. There was just something so attractive about him, whether it was the moustache, crazy hair or unique dress sense, all I knew was I fancied him a lot. I had spent the whole time in the queue just staring at him, smiling at the way he had to lunge to get down to peoples height for photos, and the way he stuck his arse out when he was leaning on the desk. He gave every single person huge hugs and had loads of time for everyone. I knew I was probably drooling but he was dreamy.

The closer I got to the front of the queue the more he caught my eye, we made eye contact several times and my stomach flipped every time. I swore that he winked at me but told myself it was probably at one of the other hundreds of girls in the queue. I wasn't one of them fan girls that thought I was special or his best friend, I knew he was the same with everyone else and didn't read too much in to anything like other psychos did.

There was one person in front of me then it was my turn to meet Steven, my heart was pounding. He was so close, I was starting to question whether I would be able to string a sentence together. He hugged the girl in front of me and she skipped off.

"Hi" he greeted with a beaming smile. I felt myself blush just from having his attention.

"Hi" I managed to say, swooning.

"So what's your name gorgeous?" he asked, I caught my breath at his compliment and his eyes locked on mine, I was so attracted to this man and I was making it ridiculously obvious.

"Bethany" I stuttered and he smiled, picking up on how nervous I was.

"That's a beautiful name" he smirked "are we doing an autograph or a selfie?" My heart was almost beating out of my chest, I was sure he could hear it.

"Selfie please" I smiled, annoyed that I wasn't making more conversation.

"Well then come over here" I did as I was told and allowed him to wrap his arm around me, pulling me against his side, I placed my hand on his firm chest, his physique was incredible. I bit my lip thinking about how his chest would feel beneath the clothes, and then realised he was staring at me waiting to take a photo. I blushed embarrassed and posed for a few selfies. We made daft faces and then on the last photo he kissed my cheek. I swear I actually stopped breathing in that moment. He smirked, clearly amused by my startled reaction and handed my phone back. His hand brushed mine as he did and electricity shot up my arm. This man just did things to me.

"Thank you" I managed to say after composing myself,

"No problem darling" he laughed, "you meeting anyone else today?"

"No you were my last call" I smiled "Although we do have a photo op later"

"Oh do we" he grinned "I'll look forward to it". I was floating as I walked off, knowing he probably said that to everyone, just to be nice, but it was still good to hear. Even if he was just being polite, I was definitely looking forward to his photo op.

I grabbed some late lunch since it was half 2, before making my way over to the photo session area to join the queue for Steven. I was almost at the front of the queue and hadn't seen anyone do my pose yet. I was so nervous to ask but knew I couldn't afford to do this again anytime soon so had to ask.

"Hey Bethany wasn't it?" he said as I stepped up,

"hey yeah" I smiled, stomach fluttering at him remembering me.

"So what are we doing?" he asked,

"Can I have a piggy back?" I asked, biting my lip nervously.

"Darling you can have whatever you like" he laughed, I raised an eyebrow at the subtle innuendo but didn't take him up on it. He crouched down so I could jump on his back. I placed my hands on his broad shoulders, stroking along them slightly before holding on and jumping, wrapping my legs around his waist, he gripped my thighs, and adjusted me so I sat higher, wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my head against his. We smiled for the camera but I was incredibly distracted by the way his hands felt on my thighs. Once the photographer was happy, he released my legs, I hung on for a few seconds before jumping down.

"thank you" I beamed at Steven,

"My pleasure" he winked at me, "You got some strong legs there" he smirked, letting his gaze trail down my body. I felt a flutter somewhere that definitely wasn't my stomach and sighed,

"you have no idea" I laughed, shocking myself by my sudden confidence to flirt back. He also looked taken aback but chuckled and shook his head.

"Goodbye darling" he laughed,

"Bye Steven" I called as I walked away, literally on cloud nine. I wished I had managed to show that confidence at the auto booth and get my personality across more. But never the less, it had been a damn good day.

I practically floated back to my hotel, nothing was going to dampen my mood.

"Sorry mam you can't go in yet" the security guard at the front of the hotel told me.

"But I have a room here" I explained

"That's fine but you still have to wait here for now" he replied,

"Why?" I asked, noticing the other people gathered around the doorway. He didn't respond, he didn't need to as a black limo pulled up and I realised all these people were paparazzi. Steven and several of the other cast members stepped out, most rushed inside ignoring the paps but Steven spotted me and strutted over.

"Couldn't stay away huh?" he smirked, I laughed at his arrogance,

"Actually I'm staying in this hotel and your arrival is stopping me getting inside" I explained, he glanced at the security guard and then back at me.

"Well come on in darling, I'd hate to keep anyone from their bed" he smiled and guided me inside, placing a hand on the base of my back. That was my weak spot and all men seemed to find it.

"Thank you" I smiled, liking the way it felt to be by his side, but screaming inside at all the photos the paparazzi were snapping of us.

"Well those pictures are going to be everywhere tomorrow" he laughed as you stopped in the middle of the lobby.

"Steven Ogg actually allows a fan into her hotel" I laughed "shock horror"

"Actually it will be more like Ogg's new lover?" he smirked, I blushed trying to hide how much I liked the sound of that "You think you can deal with that?"

"Gonna have to aren't I" I replied, returning the smirk. "Not the worst thing I could have been accused of"

"That's very true they could have said you were Norman's lover" he replied pretending to cringe, I laughed and decided to play with him a little.

"Now that I would definitely like to be accused of" I swooned,

"Oh really" he smirked raising an eye brow,

"Yeah" I smiled "But I can cope with settling for you" I bit my lip, enjoying flirting a little too much.

"Oh wow thanks for that" he laughed faking offence, he knew I was joking, the way I was gazing at him definitely gave it away.

"Anyway I better get up to my room" I said, starting to walk towards the stairs.

"Oh right yeah sorry" he apologised "I'm still holding you up"

"I'll let you off" I laughed

"See you around darling" he smiled as he followed his cast members into the bar. My head was spinning from our third encounter of the day, and that flirting definitely was not one sided. I didn't know what to think, but as always I decided not to over think it and be grateful of what little time I'd had with him. Some fan girls would go and sit in the bar and stalk him, that just wasn't me, I'd hate to look that desperate. Even if it was killing me knowing he was so close.

I went to bed early, it was the only way to stop myself going downstairs and acting like an obsessed fan. Of course I dreamt about him, but that was no different than any other night. 

Hey guys, please let me know what you think of this first chapter and if I should carry on with the story xxx

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