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He was stood looking out the windows, but turned to face me when he heard the door. We just stood there, opposite ends of the room, just staring at each other. He was wearing his jeans and a black t-shirt with a white pattern on the front. Even from that distance I could see the rise fall of his chest, he was breathing heavy. My heart was racing and the silence wasn't helping.

"I'm sorry" he said finally breaking the silence,

"What for?" I asked, tired of second guessing,

"How I left things after yours" he sighed

"Please explain to me how we left things Simon because I am very confused right now" I exclaimed. He sighed, rand a hand down his face and sat down on a sofa, he gestured for me to join him but I stayed where I was.

"I freaked out and bailed" he confessed "I was a douche"

"No you weren't" I sighed stepping a little closer "You were sweet, and funny, and I felt so comfortable with you"

"I'm sorry if I miss read signals and made you feel uncomfortable" he replied, I walked over and sat beside him, as far away as I could get on that sofa, being this close was bad enough.

"You didn't miss read anything" you confessed, "I gave you mixed signals, it was my fault"

"I should have called these past couple of weeks, you deserved that" he replied

"why?" I asked "you don't owe me anything"

"Bethany I got you into this mess" he sighed,

"Steven getting to know you, has been the best thing that has ever happened to me" I whispered, not meeting his gaze "Please don't apologise for that"

"About what I said on stage" he started,

"You were right" I interrupted, knowing I couldn't stand hearing him say it again "There is nothing between us, it was all circumstantial, you get back out there to your fan's, and I'll move on with my life"

"Is that what you want?" he asked, his hazel pools staring right though me, it wasn't at all. I shook my head  a bit back tears.

"Are you crying?" he asked shuffling over to me, I turned my head away from him, not wanting him to see. "Why are you crying?"

"This is all just so confusing" I whispered "I'm trying to say what I think you want and not seem like a pathetic fan girl, but its not the truth at all" he sighed and squeezed me,

"What do you think I want to hear?" he asked turning my head to face him, 

"That I'm okay, I'm not feeling things for you, you haven't upset me and you can get on with your life, forget I even existed" I confessed,

"You really think that's what I want?" he asked, I nodded, wiping a tear away.

"I think you were nice to a fan, flirted a little, got yourself in a sticky situation and are struggling to get out" I continued.

"Sweetheart you couldn't be more wrong" he smiled, wiping a tear from my cheek as it fell. 

"I think you are beautiful, funny, incredible, genuinely nice girl" he said, you knew what was coming, he was going to tell you he was flattered but you were right he didn't want anything to do with you. "I really enjoyed your company that night, I lay on your couch wanting nothing more than for you to come down those stairs and curl up beside me, I didn't want to leave, but I thought I had freaked you out and got it all wrong, I like you a lot Bethany, and I would for you to walk out of my life" I sat there stunned, not knowing what to say. He had said everything you had hoped he would, but had convinced yourself he wouldn't.

"You're not just being nice?" I asked, needing to be sure. He chuckled and shook his head,

"would I do this if I was just being nice?" he whispered, tucked my hair behind my ear and started leaning towards me, eyes locked on my lips, I closed my eyes and met him half way. The second his lips touched mine, my whole body melted, he pulled me closer to his as we kissed, pressing his firm torso against my small frame. It felt so right. He pulled away and his eyes scanned my face for a reaction, I bit my lip and smiled.

"I hope not" I whispered answering his question. He smirked and winked, pulling me to my feet as he stood up. He placed his hands either side of my face and rand his thumbs over my cheeks. 

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" he asked clearly worried.

"I am if you are" I replied,

"Can you never just answer a question for yourself and not me" he smiled, I blushed and shook my head

"I'm more than okay Steven" I told him.

"Good" he replied smiling wide "Me too" I couldn't take my eyes off his plump lips, I could still taste them and I wanted more. 

"What happens now?" I asked, knowing this wasn't going to be straight forward. 

"Take it slow I guess" he sighed "Take every day as it comes and get to know each other a little better" I smiled and nodded, he had removed his hands from my face and now held my hands in his. 

"The boy?" he asked, obviously worried about who Jordan was,

"He's my best friend" I told him, 

"Oh great so he hates me already" he laughed

"He'll come around" I giggled. 

"I better get back out there" he sighed, I nodded, but stepped toward him and stood on my tip toes to give him a small peck,

"See you around" I said, he smirked as I left the room to find Jordan. He was leaning against the railing, his back to me. The green room was on a balcony above the crowds. I walked up beside him and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Hey" he said kissing the top of my head like he always did, "you were in there a while" I nodded, grinning like a cheshire cat. "Someone's happy" he observed.

"You have no idea" I swooned 

"He likes you too doesn't he" he sighed, I nodded, noting his concerned expression,

"What is it?" I asked,

"I just don't want you getting hurt that's all" he smiled, pulling me into a hug. 

"I know" I replied "and I love you for it"


Hey guys, comment and let me know what you think!!

lots of love xx

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