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"Bethany I wasn't hinting at that" he replied sounding embarrassed,

"I know" I said quickly looking up at him, hating that tone in his voice "but the offer is there, saves you finding a hotel" he broke the embrace and ran a hand through his hair,

"If you're sure?" he asked, I nodded

"Honestly it's no trouble, you did come all the way out here it's the least I can do" I explained grinning. 

"Okay thank's darling I'll just get my things from the hire car" I nodded and he disappeared out the front door, I ran upstairs and grabbed some sheets, pillows and blankets. When I got downstairs he was already back inside, perched on the arm of the sofa with his bag at his feet. 

I began putting a bottom sheet on the sofa and came up behind me, grabbing my shoulders and guiding me away from the sofa. Being so close to him was killing me, all my sense had gone into overdrive. 

"Hey leave that I'll do it" he said referring to the sheets,

"No it's fine, you go use the bathroom and I'll have it ready when you come back down" I smiled, needing a minute to remember to breathe. 

"thank you" he smiled, picking up his bag and heading for the stairs,

"Left and the top of the stairs and its straight ahead" I told him as he started up the stairs, shamelessly perving as he climbed. I could not believe Steven Ogg was staying the night, I felt like I was going to wake up any minute, and he was such a genuine down to earth guy, it didn't feel like I was talking to a celebrity when I spoke to him.

I was just folding the blankets at the end of the sofa when he appeared on the stairs, he had changed into black shorts and a white vest, the muscles on his legs and arms perfectly defined and fully on show in this attire. I sighed swooning slightly and quickly tore my eyes away before he noticed I was staring. 

"Thank you for this" he smiled as he sat down on the sofa,

"Stop thanking me" I laughed "its been a pleasure"

"Yeah I've enjoyed myself too" he smirked, I blushed and ran a hand through my hair, 

"Right I'll leave you to it" I smiled and began to walk off, he grabbed my hand to stop me. That gesture made so many thought run through my head, you see it in films all the time, I froze, not knowing what he was going to do.

"Goodnight" he whispered looking up at me and squeezing my hand. I sighed in both relief and disappointment at what hadn't happened.

"Sweet Dreams Simon" I replied, walking upstairs to my room. I sat on my bed for a second to gather myself, the headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, I was already in my pyjamas. I heard him turn off the lights down stairs as I climbed into bed. 

I didn't fall asleep for a while, I lay awake, staring at the ceiling, thinking about the recent events, tonight and all the possible things that could happen with a man sleeping over. I wanted so badly to go downstairs and cuddle up beside him, fall asleep in his arms. But he was Steven Ogg and I was just some girl he got photographed with, he wouldn't want that with me.

***** STEVEN's POV**********

I lay on her sofa annoyed with myself. What was I doing? I was sleeping at a fan's house, this was so risky. I hadn't even considered the possibility of someone seeing me turning up at her house, I just acted on impulse. My management warned me all the time not to get involved with fan's, but however many times I tried to kid myself, this girl was not just a fan. She was different. I had been nervous turning up tonight, I never got nervous, this was new territory and I didn't know where to start. 

I couldn't deny it, she was beautiful, funny, adorable. I knew there was an age gap, quite a considerable one, which is why when I grabbed her hand, again on impulse, my brain kicked in and I stopped myself asking her sleep beside me. I just wanted to hold her, wrap my arms around her and fall asleep to the sound of her breathing. I barely knew the girl, what was wrong with me?

I couldn't fall asleep, knowing she was lying in a bed not too far from me, all I wanted to do was climb the stairs and curl up beside her. But I couldn't....not yet.

*************** Back to BETHANY's POV****************************

I must have drifted off eventually because I woke up around 5am, wide awake, I decided to get up and go for a run, it wasn't uncommon for me to run early morning, just never this early. I quietly used the bathroom and changed into some running gear, before creeping downstairs and leaving a note for Steven, so he would know where I was if he woke up before I got back. 

I grimaced as the front door creaked when I closed it, locking it behind me, hoping I hadn't woke him. I put in my headphones and started running down the street, the sun was just starting to come up but the streets were quiet and peaceful, it gave me time to think and admit to myself I was in fact very much attracted to the man on my couch, not Steven Ogg the celebrity, just Steven, the person. I knew he was around 40 and I was only 21, but somehow I didn't consider that a problem at all. I was mature for my age, I had my own house, mortgage, job, car. I never went out, I'd much rather stay in with a brew and my pyjamas. But who was I kidding, I didn't need to worry about anything like an age gap, because he was just being nice and he would be out of life as quickly as he'd arrived. 


Hey guy's! Is he gonna tell her? Will one of them make a move? let me know what you think.

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lots of love xxx

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