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I had run about 7 miles when I got back home, I was very sweaty and probably looked disgusting. It should have bothered me, the thought of him seeing me like this but it didn't, it was unnerving how comfortable I was around him. I put my key in the door and let myself in. The smell of bacon hit me as soon as I stepped though the door. I could hear Steven singing away to himself in the kitchen, to a song I'd never heard before, but it still made me smile. I dumped my keys on the coffee table and made my way into the kitchen. He smiled as soon as he saw me, still in the clothes he's slept in, hair all over the place, still looking extremely hot. I caught his eyes flick down taking in my appearance before returning to my very red and sweaty face. I was wearing tight, three quarter gym leggings, sports bra and lycra crop top, my abs were fully on show, and if I do say so myself, I had abs of steel, not a defined 6 pack, my love for food would always prevent that, but good enough to catch attention.

"How was the run?" he asked, turning over the bacon in the pan.

"It was good, 7 miles or so" I replied

"Your pace must be good to be back already" he commented "I wanted this to be ready, go run round the block again" he joked, I laughed and lifted myself up onto the counter beside him, swinging my legs. He glanced at me before returning his attention to the bacon.

"Sorry if I stink" I said, realising I definitely would.

"Don't worry about it" he laughed "It's nice to see a girl dedicated enough to run so early"

"Yeah I run most days" I confessed,

"You training for something or just had stuff on your mind?" he asked, at that point you knew he was a runner, those were the two reasons people ran and from the smirk on his face he knew exactly which your reason was.

"I just enjoy it" I said avoiding the question "sets me up for the day"

"Yeah I run a lot too" he replied

"So what's been on your mind?" I asked smirking, he looked up and held my gaze,

"Usually work stress" he said "But lately, someone has definitely been running though it" my heart skipped a beat, I didn't know what to say, I just stared back at him, mouth hanging open.

"I should go shower" I said, jumping off the counter, not knowing how to respond to his comment. 

"Oh yeah sure" he replied sounding disappointed, or was I just imagining it. "Butties will be ready when you're done" you smiled and hurried up to shower. You shut the bathroom door behind you and rested against it. Heart pounding, what was going on? Did he mean you? So many questions were running through my head. 

I stood under the water, hoping it would was all my worries and questions away. I should be so lucky. My head was a mess, I didn't have a clue what to say to him. I quickly washed myself and jumped out, drying off as quickly as I could, suddenly very hungry. I towel dried my hair as much as I could, brushed it out and left it to dry the rest naturally, pulling on some jeans and a vest top. 

"Is that bacon ready I'm starving" I shouted as I walked down the stairs, stopping in my tracks as Steven was stood in the middle of the living room, in his boxers, pulling a t-shirt over his head. I could not tear my eyes away.

"Sorry" he laughed "You were taking so long I thought I'd get dressed while I waited" and began to pull on his jeans. 

"Don't worry" I said, still staring and carried on walking down the stairs.

"you okay? you look flustered" he smirked,

"Absolutely fine" I replied far too quickly, making him chuckle as he followed me into the kitchen. He'd plated the butties up and left them on the side. I took my plate and took at seat at the dining room table. He followed sitting directly opposite. We sat in silence, it wasn't awkward but I knew we were both thinking about the same thing.

"Steven about before.." I started,

"Just forget I said anything" he interrupted

"Oh okay" I replied, not wanting to forget it, I wanted to tell him, he had been on my mind too. "Do you have to rush off or?"

"I think it's for the best" he sighed, I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. I washed our plates while he got his stuff together. 

"Well I best get on the road" he said walking in the kitchen. I nodded, dried my hands and followed him to the front door.  "Thank you for having me" my heart sank, wishing I did have him. 

"Anytime" I smiled "Safe journey" he sighed and hugged me, it lasted longer than it needed to and I turned and kissed his cheek, soft and slow, trying to show him it was more than a friendly kiss on the cheek, as I pulled away he turned to face me, our faces hovered together for a few second before he pulled away and opened the door. I watched him walk down my path, and ache in my chest. He waved as he got in the car, driving off without looking back.

I closed the door and sighed, picked up the sheets from the sofa and took them upstairs. I didn't know what to think, I knew I wasn't imagining things but at the same time, I knew I had given off mixed signals and probably caused this myself. I couldn't explain what I was feeling, but I knew whatever it was, it was because of him. 

I wasn't surprised when I turned on my phone to find another photo all over the internet. It showed Steven walking up my front path with the pizza's, captioned 'date night?'. I threw my phone across the room, I didn't need to read other peoples theories, I had plenty of my own running through my head.


Tell me what you think is gonna happen next...comment and vote!

lots of love xx

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