The morning after

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I woke up as the sunlight shone through the crack in the curtains. Stretched out the sleep and jumped into a hot shower, tying my hair up in a bun so it didn't get wet. I pulled on my jogging shorts and a vest top and headed down for breakfast. I hadn't even thought that the cast could be down there, otherwise I would have worn less revealing clothing. But of course they were, and the first person I made eye contact with was Steven. He smiled when I walked in but I swore his eyes widened as he actually took in my appearance. The shorts were especially short, if I bent over, you would see everything, but this was my loungewear and it had never been an issue before. I suddenly felt very exposed and quickly walked over to the breakfast buffet to grab some cereal, I would definitely be grabbing more food, it was my one true love. I tried not to glance in the cast's direction, they were eating and the last thing they would want was a fan staring at them, they deserved privacy too. However when I did look in their direction, my gaze was met on several occasion by Steven, who had a permanent smirk on his face.

Once I'd finished my breakfast I headed back over to the buffet to grab some bacon, sausage and egg. I felt a presence behind me and then he spoke.

"Nice to see a girl who knows how to eat" he said as I piled my plate with bacon.

"Food is the true love of my life" I told him "Better than any man"

"Oh really" he laughed filling his own plate "Why's that?"

"Bacon will never let you down, stand you up or break your heart" you explained and he just laughed,

"Very good point" he agreed "But I hope one day you find your bacon" he added smirking,

"He'd have to be pretty special to earn that title" I laughed.

"I thought I might have seen you in the bar last night?" he said changing the subject.

"Drinking on my own" I scoffed "no thank you" and finished piling scrambled and fried eggs on my plate. He glanced at my mountain of food and laughed,

"You could have joined us" he replied, I shook my head

"I don't know you and I'd just look like a psycho fan trying to be friends with the stars" I sighed,

"Nah you're not like the other fan's" he reassured me, I raised an eyebrow questioningly but he didn't bite "Why don't you come eat with us now?" he asked,

"Thank you" I replied "but I'm okay over here" and I began walking back to my seat, giving him a small wave. I was sure I heard him sigh, but decided I was just imagining it. I refused to look in his direction for the rest of the time I was eating. Not sure what to make of our breakfast chat. I was trying to look engrossed in something on my phone when I was aware they all got up to leave.

"Bye Bethany" he shouted across the dining room, I blushed and sunk into my chair as everyone turned to look at me,

"Bye" I called back, and he smirked and winked at me, making my heart melt, he was a genuinely sweet guy. I turned my attention back to my phone and started posting the photos from the convention on my Instagram, tagging all the actors who were in them. Within the hour he had liked our photos and commented with the smirk emoji. I had a train to catch so finished my food and returned to my room to get dressed and pack my bags.

An hour or so into the journey I got a notification of a direct message on Instagram from Steven. My heart began pounding, he had actually sent me a message. It was a link to an online article with the message 'Told you😏'. I opened the link to see a photo of me and Steven walking in to the hotel, followed by an article of theories on who I could be, most of them suggesting I was in some sort of relationship with the gorgeous man in the photo. I didn't know how to feel about this, I mean I would love if there was some truth in it, but there wasn't. Which meant I was just a pawn in some vicious rumours. I sat for about 10 minutes deciding how to reply to that, or if I even should. After probably over thinking it which I usually never did, I replied. 'so which theory we going with?' I asked, trying to keep the banter we had going. 'Whichever one you wish was a reality😏'. I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop the smile spreading across my face, I didn't reply, not wanting to ruin what had been a good weekend by pushing it. 

By the time I got home, I had tones of messages from my friends and people I had never even met asking what was going on between me and Steven. It was crazy, I replied to my friends but ignored everyone else. I had not expected to gain this much attention, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying it. 

I took a screenshot of my phone home screen, showing how many notifications I had on all my social media apps and messages, and sent it to him. He replied within minutes 'welcome to my world🙈'. My phone buzzed immediately after, he had sent another, 'nice background btw😏'. I had totally forgot he was my background, it was the selfie of him kissing my cheek, I was mortified and quickly replied with the same monkey see no evil emoji's. He replied with laughing faces. Then I sent him a screenshot of a message from a total psycho wishing me dead and calling a desperate whore, with the message 'you have psycho fans' he replied with the cocky comment 'I know there's this one girl who wont stop messaging me😈'. I chuckled knowing he was only joking and responded with nothing but a middle finger emoji '🖕'. 

I lay in bed that night scrolling through his Instagram, swooning over that face and reading back through the messages. Having spoke to him properly away from crowds of fans, I just fancied him more, it was so frustrating because I knew nothing would ever happen, but I could dream, and the was one thing I definitely did. 

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