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Hercules Pov

I woke up Lafayette still in my embrace. I quietly check my phone its 5:35 am. I tried to fall back asleep but it didn't work. I looked up at the celling. Then I remembered Lafayette hiding he's arms from me. I shouldn't its he's private matter but.... I need to know.

I slowly left up he's sleeve as to not wake him. When I left it up I see scar's all over he's arm's some look new others from a long time ago. In shock I push back and fall of the bed waking Laff. " Hercules are you ok?" He sounded concerned. " uh y-ya I'm fi-fine" He didn't know that I had pulled up he's sleeve.

Lafayette's pov

I smiled sleepily " will we go into the kitchen " I asked. Herc nodded he looked shocked by something. We headed to the small kitchen. I started to cook something fast I made some for John and Alex to. " Hey laff why did you not come out of your room for most the day yesterday" Hercules asked " oh I just..... Do you like black pudding or white?" I asked overlooking the question. " white please....can you and me go out somewhere today school starts back in three days so might as well make the most of it" he smiled warmly. "Sure" I giggle.

We ate are food and got ready to go it was early but Hercules said it was best to go early. I write a small note for John and Alex " me and herc are going out food's in the fridge microwave it ~laff"

And we head out. We got to the woods this wood had may trails going different ways for camping and stuff
I graded a map at the entrance so we wouldn't get lost. But Hercules had other ideas...." lets go this way"
"Mon ami there iz no trail there"
"I know let go explore" I rolled my eyes in response then Hercules graded my hand and dragged me in the director he had pointed out.
" come on it will be fun" he speed along.

Hercules pov

I dragged Lafayette to my favorite spot in the wood the spot where no one came to its so peaceful. I looked at Lafayette as he was taking in the nature around us " Zo Hercules what did you drag me all the way out to the woodz for?"The Frenchman asked.

There was silence for a bit. Then I spoke " Lafayette....what are your views on.....self harm?" I asked him. He looked at me taken back by the question. " m-my views on self harm?"  He repeats my question. " Yes how do you feel about someone hurting themselves personally?" I asked again. " why do you supply want to know what I think about it" he questioned "JUST ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION" I shouted.

Lafayette pov

I was taking back by the question " I-it's wrong I guess" I stuttered trying to get my answer out. Hercules looked at me almost disappointed he started to walk to me I took a few steps back but hit into a tree. Hercules graded my arms I was pinned to the tree. " what are you d-" I was cut of by Hercules pulling the sleeve of one of my top down showing all the cuts and scars overlapping the hole way down my arm.

" WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME" Hercules shouted. I pushed him of me and pulled down my sleeve then shouted  back " IT'S NOT LIKE IT COMES UP HI I'M LAFAYETTE TAKE A LOOK AT MY HORRIBLE DISGUISING ARMS" I felt tears in my eye's " WHY ARE THEY THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE" Hercules screamed. " BECAUSE I'M LONELY" we where quiet Hercules opened his mouth to talk but I cut him of " I have you, Alex , John and Thomas but your not always there.... life isn't as easy as 123 Hercules people have problems.....this is just I big problems that's all this all" I point to myself " ever bit of me was a mistake" I lower my head the tears start to slip down my face. Then I feel Hercules and he's warm arms wrapping around me " If your a mistake.......your the best mistake that's ever happened to me" Hercules whispers to me. 

There ya go more chapter hope you enjoy that do ya know where herc is taking laff? And whats with laffs'll fined out soonnnnn :)

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