Scary Movies

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Hercules pov

Lafayette and Peggy came out of the closet seven minutes late. Peggy sat down happily, Lafayette was slightly hesitant but seat down. Peggy had a thing for Lafayette ever since she saw him at the party. She told me she wanted to talk to him but he left before she got the chance.

Anyway, back to the present. We played Truth or Dare for a while longer which resulted in Thomas, James,Peggy and Angelica getting drunk even though Peggy was to young to drink......

We all sat on the couch when Thomas went to get us all drinks. He came back somehow holding all of are ten drink at once. He sat them on the coffee table and we turned on a scary movie titled 'A quite place'

The movie started of, as I guessed it would, extremely quite. Alex got us a few blankets one between two. The people sharing where, James and Thomas, Angelica and Peggy, Eliza and Maria, Alex and John.......which left me and Laff.

Throwing the blanket over the two of us I lay back in the couch and watched the movie. A loud bang came throw the TV making Lafayette jump a little and lay right beside me. He quickly moved away from me again and looked away from me I think me was embarrassed.

--Time skip further into the movie--

After we had watched the movie for a while Lafayette's phone rang the name on it read 'James.R' with a heart beside it. He turned to look at me and I shook my head he turned back and picked up the phone removing himself from the couch and moving into the next room for some privacy.

When he came out he looked extremely upset "I-I have to go" he stuttered I jumped up "Want me to walk you back?" I asked but he shock he's head "I'm fine thank you" he answered me slowly leaving the house slowly closing the door behind him.

Lafayette's pov

I left Hercules's house, James sounded upset or angry on the phone he asked me to come home, I would what's wrong with him.

As I walked quickly it turned into a jog as I tried to get there quickly, finally getting to the door I pushed it open quickly what if he was hurt or worse.

When I opened the door I walked into the sitting room to find him strutting up and down in a panicked sort of way "Are you okay mon amour?" I asked taking a few steps closer "Laffy" he turned to me and wrapped he's arm's around me hugging me tightly "I was scared, you weren't here when I got back" he said not letting go of me

"Ya, I thought you where staying at Lee's dorm so I went out" I explained wrapping my arms around him also "went out where?" He asked, he seems so protective all of a sudden, then I noticed the few empty beer bottles on the coffee table, I get it he's one of the people that get really emotional when there drunk.

"Went out where?" He repeated "Just a sleepover John planned" I said he pushed away slightly to look at me "was Hercules there?" He said slightly aggravated. I didn't say anything instead I just nodded.

He let out I sigh and let go of me fully "Laffy, you know how I feel about you being around him" James crossed he's arm's "I-I know, but I didn't talk to them, I think the only one of them who are actually my friend is John" I signed, I think Hercules hated me, Thomas and Madison are....quite around me, I don't really know the girls but Alex and I had that fight and we never apologized for it.

"Laffy, I don't what you over there" James said "so, I'm not allowed over just because you don't like it" I crossed my arm's "yes that's exactly what I want" he said both of us slightly annoyed "you can't stop me from leaving" I growled, what is he doing trying to cut me of from my friends? "Just watch me" he grabbed the sleeve of my top and pulled me out of the sitting room.

"JAMES, THAT HURTS STOP!" I screeched he didn't stop I tried to pull away this resulted in my sleeve ripping and I tried to run for the door but James grabbed my wrist and dragged me into one of the room.

He swung me into the room and slammed the door locking it after, I was now locked in a room with a crazy drunk boyfriend outside, god I wish I never moved in.

Ohhhh what's up with laff??? Anyway hope ya liked it :)

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