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"The prince will be born tonight." The woman told her husband as he rubs her big tummy, feeling the life, her son moving.

"I'm not ready to let you go, my queen." The male vampire said as he cups the woman's pale cheeks with sad eyes and tears threatening to fall. The queen just smiled putting her hand above the king's hand on her face as she give a happy and contented smile.

"My love this is my purpose, to give a life and to give away my life for our son." She said as she looked straight to the king's sad eyes. Hurt passed by her face as she looks at the king with a smile on her face as he lends one last kiss to the king's lips.

"It's time. Leave me now." She told the king as the king commands all servants and soldiers to leave the queen by herself on her room. She doesn't want anyone to see her death as he brings to the world his lovely prince, with a smile on her face she lied down on her bed waiting for the baby to tore his flesh to make it's way out of her belly.

The agony of the queen can be heard from her room to the next floor downstairs where the king stays with his tears flowing from his eyes. Shouts of pain, cries and whimpering was heard in that four cornered wall until a different cry made it's noise. A cry of a baby.

"M-my son.." The queen weakly said seeing her son out and her flesh torn as he bathes with her own blood.

"W-who are you?!" She managed to scream seeing a blur figure coming hee way with it's wide wings as it gets something from his son who cried harder than before. It was all the queen heard before life left her body.

"My queen." The king cried in sorrow, he knew giving birth with a royalty would take away the life of the mother. He was born that way too but it still hurt to see your love die and you can't do anything. As he watch his wife's body turn into ashes, his sight landed to the baby crying on the bed. A smile made it's way to his face as he picks up the child.

"My prince, my beautiful prince." He picked up the child but it didn't stopped crying and that's when the king realized what is wrong with his child.

"My child's heart is lost!" He voiced boomed into the castle leaving all the servants and soliders weak on their knees.


Pyong. Wavyu. -Ji

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