Chapter 2

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Jeno's POV

I came back in our classroom with Huang Renjun and his friends. This Jaemin just caught my eyes right there and then, he's just so cute and I'm exaggerating when I said the he shined differently in my eyes. He really is shinning in my sight. Jaemin seems so famous, girls in the hallway always greets him when we pass by and him being a sweet guys he is, always replies back with his sunshine smile and it made me feel something like I don't want him to do those things. Look, I just met this sunshine boy just recently but I can really tell that being sweet is natural to him even Renjun got soft with him being here.

"Oy! Look who's back Na Jaemin." Lucas said as we entered our classroom. He hopped off the teacher's table to come and cling his arm to Jaemin. Honestly, I can smell some different scent from this Lucas guy but I'll let him off the hook since he's doing something bad and I don't even know if the scent I caught earlier was his.

"Hi! Jaemin are you well already?"

"Jae don't be sick anymore!"

"Nana we miss you."

"Famous as always." I heard Renjun mumbled rolling his eyes on the process.

"Yes guys I'll not be sick anymore. Hahaha you're taking care of me right?" He said jokingly smiling making the girls cheer and squeal.

"Na Jaemin stop being a flirt and sit." Someone said.

"Lee Donghyuck I'm not flirting stop being a bitch and go back to your own hell." Jaemin replied facing Donghyuck who is standing by the door frame.

"Yo Donghyuck!" Lucas enthusiastically greeted Donghyuck.

"Woah we're in the same year level again hyung? Got pushed back again huh?" Donghyuck asked making fist bump with Lucas.

"Yeah it's just that Ms. Kim loves me so much and she doesn't want me out of her class." Lucas said chuckling.

"Oh my God, just say you're just too dumb to pass Chemistry dude." Exposed. Na Jaemin can be mean as well huh,  nice. Hearing Jaemin everyone laughed including me.

"Oh Nana I have you right?" Lucas asked making it sound sweet staring directly at Jaemin putting both of his hands on Jaemin's shoulders.

"No. You have Jungwoo-hyung who's now ready to kill you after class. Good luck." Jaemin smirked pointing outside.

"Jung--- Yah! Na Jaemin why didn't you tell me?" Lucas went hysterical following the boy Jaemin pointed earlier.

"Nana being mean." Renjun remarked.

"Poor Lucas-hyung." Donghyuck added looking where Lucas has ran off.

"I can't blame Jungwoo-hyung, Lucas-hyung has a thing for Jaemin in the past. Jae stop being mean." Renjun said going to their seats first.

"Not my fault and I'm not being mean." Jaemin said chuckling going to his seat.

"Oh. Who's bag is this?" He asked Renjun.

"It's mine. Sorry, I'll find another sit." I said smiling.

"Why don't you just sit on Lucas' place. I'm sure he won't be back for a while." He suggested.

"Okay." I agreed sitting behind him.

"Yah Lee Donghyuck why are you still here? The bell will ring in 5 minutes." Renjun said seeing Donghyuck still in our place.

"It's not that I will go to another planet just to go to my proper seat Injoong." Donghyuck rolled his eyes still seating on Jaemin's arm rest.

"What? Are you being sarcastic right now?" Renjun said raising an eyebrow.

"What if I am?" He asked back staring at Renjun in the same manner. Jaemin sighed at the view he is seeing.

"Hmmm.. How about you go back to you seat the arm rest might broke, you know you're not light Hyuckie and you, Injeolmi how about wipe that expression off your face it doesn't suit you." Jaemin smirked while Donghyuck frowned and Renjun had his mouth hanging because of what Jaemin said.

"Why are we friends again? You meanies!" Donghyuck yelled getting back to his own seat.

"Bye!" Jaemin said laughing.

"You should really stop being mean Nana." Renjun said pointing at Jaemin.

"Well both of you has your own time to be mean too. Give and take." Jaemin said chuckling.

"So new student, Lee Jeno. What do you think of our school?" He turned around facing me.

"Umm.. Well, I can't tell you my opinion yet, I've been here for a like a day so.." I trailed off and there he goes smiling again. What the hell I just can't get enough of his smile and right then and there I felt the energy flowing to my body as I stare at his shinning eyes. I felt my power rising up.

"Na Jaemin face front teacher's coming." Renjun said making Jaemin break our eye contact. Renjun glared at me changing his eye color from normal to a red one. Well that's a Psi vampire for us and a salty one at that.

Na Jaemin I'll make you mine.


R E V I S E D: July 7, 2019

Wavyuu ❤ -Ji

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