Chapter 9

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Third Person's POV

"Okay you're dismissed. Group of cleaners please." Mr. Kim said before dismissing the class making the students rejoice. Well that was a tiring gym class.

"Hey Jaeminnie our group is assigned to clean. You go ahead with Hyuckie." Renjun informed Jaemin who just nodded as a response. Everyone left the school gym one after another until Renjun's group were the only people inside the gym including Jeno.

"Okay guys! Thank you for cleaning Jeno and I will do the piling of chairs." Renjun smiled instructing his group mates to go ahead and take shower.

"Oops.. Sorry." Renjun purposely pushed the chairs piled by Jeno causing a loud bang. Jeno just looked at him then sighed paying no attention as he just piled again the chairs. Jeno is about to pick the last chair when Renjun stepped on the part where Jeno's hand is placed breaking the plastic chair on the process together with Jeno's bones in the palm.

"Huang Renjun stop." Jeno said holding his anger.

"Hmm not bad, very fast healing ability, guess that's royal blood from Emphatic Clan for me but no Lee Jeno you should stop." Renjun spat his eye color now changing as his fangs slowly coming out.

"Oho Huang Renjun, I see, a royalty of the Psi Clan? Is that why you gave away your scent the moment I entered the classroom in the very first day?" Jeno smirked but Renjun is fast to push Jeno making the other guy hit the gym walls hard coughing because of the impact. Renjun came to Jeno dangerously near getting a grip of Jeno's collar.

"It's a warning for you that this place isn't going to be you domain Lee and haven't I told you on the very first day. Stay away from Jaemin." Renjun pinned Jeno on the wall choking him but Jeno is known for being strong. He kicked Renjun in the gut sending the other male flying back to the chairs scattered in the middle of the gym. This time Jeno didn't let Renjun to get up as he straddled the other male gripping his collar his fist right up in the air ready to punch Renjun in the face and he did making Renjun's lips bleed.

"And I clearly remembered that I didn't agree on staying away from Jaemin. You prince of the Psi Clan, do not hold any power to command a prince from another clan." Jeno looked sharply at Renjun with his golden eyes same goes for Renjun.

Renjun pushed Jeno of him immediately standing up punching Jeno in the face as well. Little did they know Dongmyeong was still there witnessing them as they punch each other faces because he brought back the cleaning materials back to it's place. Being the scaredy cat he is he ran out of the gym luckily seeing Lucas and some of his boy classmates that he thinks are strong enough to stop the fighting guys.

"You didn't need to agree since staying away from Jaemin is not a fcking request!" Renjun yelled ready to throw a punch on Jeno's jaw but the other caught his wrist twisting Renjun's arms so that he is behind the smaller guys restricting his actions.

"How many times do I need to remind you that you do not fucking hold a fucking authority to tell me what to fucking do?! How do you even know I chose Jaemin?" Jeno whispered sounding dangerous.

"Damn Lee Jeno I am not Jaemin's best friend for nothing." Renjun answered head butting Jeno to get away from his grip.

"Y-yah! Jeno and Renjun are killing each other!" He panicked as he says those to Lucas grabbing his arm shaking.

"Okay okay dude calm down and call Jaemin okay?" Lucas instructed him as he sprinted going back to the gym and Dongmyeong sprinting going to their classroom to get Jaemin.

"Yah! Yah! Yah! Yah! Jaems! Hyuck!" Dongmyeong entered the classroom huffing with his hair messy from running fast.


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