Chapter 7

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Third Person's POV

"Ugh why does the sun need to be so up in the sky right now when we are outdoors finding something to present for that art class." Jaemin whined covering his eyes from above to avoid the sunlight.

"And mind you we are told to find an extraordinary one. Like what the hell what extraordinary things we can find at school. Dancing grasses? Square balls?" Donghyuck seconded Jaemin's whining while Jeno and Renjun stayed silent.

Jeno just stayed walking beside Jaemin keeping his mouth shut but observing how the younger squints his eyes because the sunlight was irritating his eyes. Eyes were on them as they pass students along the way. News indeed has its own wings as they heard whispers about Jaemin and Jeno dating or something like that. Jaemin kept on knitting his eye brows, the heat is not having a good effect on him. Jeno wants to chuckle at this sight but he chose not to.

"Here, you can have that until we finished finding something." Jeno finally decided to lend his white cap to Jaemin putting the cap properly on Jaemin's head making the younger smile and the students who witnessed it smile or squeal. Jeno's blonde hair shone brightly under the sun the same goes for Renjun's jet black hair.

"Thank you." Jaemin acted back showing some affection to prove their fake relationship isn't fake. Wait what? Whatever. Maybe you are wondering why Jeno and Renjun can walk under the sun where in fact sunlight and vampires don't click well. We are not in the 20th century for nothing, a lot happened as the technology moves forward as well as the time. Primitive vampires developed this antidote to avoid from being burnt under the sun. Every vampires who wants a normal life was using this even Renjun but their immortality still stay they don't grow old the reason why they still keep on moving from one place to another.

"Nice act keep it up, Hina is staring." Donghyuck whispered.

"Here comes trouble." He added when he saw Hina coming their way.

"Hi Jaem!" The girl greeted Jaemin in a most bubbly way she can. Jaemin together with Donghyuck wants to cringe their faces but they chose not to, Jaemin smiled as he greeted back the girl not noticing Jeno was not on his side already.

"You seem tired. Here I have some water." Hina offered the water bottle on her hand, Jaemin hesitated, asking help at Donghyuck by stare but his awesome best friend just shrugged his shoulder. He wants to ask help from Renjun but the said guy was on his back silently watching, it would be too obvious if he'll turn back at Renjun. Jaemin was about to accept the offer when Jeno saved his dear life.

"Here Nana, your water." Jeno said handing bottled water to Jaemin as the latter sighed in relief.

"Oh Nana you're sweaty already. Wait." Jeno dug his pockets for his handkerchief and wiped Jaemin's sweat on his forehead. Jaemin smiled at the gesture looking straight at Jeno who winked at him.

"Okay now, stop that PDA isn't allowed at school. Let's get this task done okay?" Renjun finally spoke up ending the staring scene of Jaemin and Jeno.

"Oh Hina thanks for the offer though. So we'll go and find something extraordinary." Jaemin said smiling feeling relief.

"See you around."

"Y-yeah." Hina stuttered again looking at Jeno arms on the back of Jaemin's lower back, glaring at the boy afterwards.

"Jaem wait, can I call you Nana too?" She asked.

"Mmmm, sorry but you can't." Jeno answered for Jaemin walking away his arms still around Jaemin's waist.

"That's mean Jeno." Donghyuck stated sarcastically grinning at Jeno. Jeno just chuckled as a respond to Donghyuck's statement.

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