Chapter 18

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It's been a week since Mark's post birthday celebration was held in their own household having a sleepover which turned out quite intimate in the last part of the night. When Jaemin's birthday came they decided to do the same thing, having dinner on the celebrant's house and have sleepover again. This was the time they noticed something different with Jaemin and Jeno. Not really a change of personality but the way they treat and look at each other is way different than they did before. These observations led to one thing, they played the legendary game (truth or dare) again to gain information but before starting the game they agreed that dirty and too intimate dares are not allowed. This rule was said with all of them looking at the one and only Lee Donghyuck. Sadly, neither Jaemin nor Jeno chose truth obviously dodging the interrogation they might have been undergone if they chose the wrong word. Silly and embarrassing dares were given but still none of them gave up and still chose dare and they ended up being dared to be tied up on their waists until the game was done.

"Hey guys." Donghyuck together with Jaemin and Mark reached their table during lunch 10 minutes late. They look exhausted and hungry, especially Donghyuck.

"We already ordered food for you guys because we know that you'll hungry and tired when you reached here." Renjun said gesturing the newcomers to eat.

"Thank you guys. You're so sweet." Jaemin beamed showing a bright smile even though he, himself is still catching his breath same goes for Donghyuck. They ran all the way from the school's dome to the cafeteria because they don't want to miss having lunch with their friends.

Donghyuck, Mark and Jaemin are part of the new set of officers of the glee club being president, vice president and the secretary of the club, respectively. They are getting more busy as days pass by since they only have two days before the big event that will be managed by their club.

"Ah wait Injun!" Jaemin exclaimed startling the latter.


"Can I ask you a favor?" Jaemin pleaded already putting on his aegyo while looking at Renjun biting his spoon in a cute way.

"Depends on the favor Nana."

"Oh! I'm sure you can do this! Can you help doing the calligraphy for the theme of the event? Please Injun? Pretty please?" I guess you already what Jaemin is doing at the moment. Right! Doing his best to get Renjun's yes by using his aegyos to the older that he knows very much that will work. Renjun sighed cracking a small smile.

"Okay Nana I will help, now stop doing aegyos. Don't kill me." The others laugh after hearing Renjun. Jaemin sat properly again beside Jeno to finish his food.

All throughout the conversation of his friends, one person stayed quiet but his eyes never left Jaemin's view. Jaemin feeling Jeno's gaze looked at the direction of the older catching him staring. Jaemin flashed a sweet smile which Jeno returned as they older grabbed Jaemin's hand that was rested on the younger's thigh under the table. He intertwined their hands, tightening his grip as if telling that he doesn't want to let go of the younger's hand giving Jaemin one of his meaningful eye smiles. Jaemin on the other hand smiled again shrugging getting back to his food letting his hand being intertwined with Jeno under the table.

"Mark-hyung, Jaeminnie we need to go." Donghyuck said after he checked his phone.

"Okay bye guys! Bye Jen." Jaemin said in a breath running after Mark and Donghyuck after kissing Jeno's cheek that shocked everyone in that was left in the table, even Jeno.


The event went smooth from the beginning until the end that made Donghyuck and the staff that prepared the contests and all the activity happy. Nothing went wrong, thank God and the students enjoyed the two day event they organized receiving good feedbacks from the students and teachers. Kaira congratulated Donghyuck for doing such a good job in managing the event and the people he handled to join him to organize it. Donghyuck is indeed a good leader and a sassy one at that point.

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