Chapter 39

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Third Person's POV

A moment of silence passed between the different group, with the other group smirking and the other feeling a mixture loneliness and anger.

"I'm gonna kill every single one of them." Jihoon broke the silence as he stood up fully healed just like a brand new doll. Daniel, Sungwoo, Jihoon, Guanlin and Woojin dashed to the enemies with their weapons at hand and their eyes firing with anger and revenge but no even a meter closer to the enemies Daniel's necklace that is given by Sungwoo got broken as well as the bracelet that Guanlin owns which is given by Jihoon. Both servamps stopped their attacks as they fell on the hard ground with some white smoke coming out from their body.

"No! No! No! Kang Daniel stay--- aargh... "

"Sungwoo-hyung!" Both Daehwi and Jinyoung yelled seeing how this black ice-like spear pierced into Sungwoo's back going out to his chest as the blood came out from his mouth and his body going limp falling into Daniel's paralyzed one.

"Su-Sungwoo-hyung.. " That's Daniel's last word before vanishing into thin air leaving Sungwoo's dead body on the ground.


"Stop right t-there Park Ji-Jihoon.. Woojin-hyung bring him back t-there.. " Guanlin ordered as he pants having a difficulty of handling his weakening body. Break an eve's item that was given to a servamps ends a servamp's life. The breaking of Daniel's necklace and Guanlin's bracelet might cause there death. The only way to save a servamp from dying is to save their eves even though their items are broken.

"But Sungwoo--"

"HE'S DEAD OKAY?! NOW GO!" Guanlin screamed with his deep voice shocking Jihoon but before Woojin could do anything a little black snow dropped on Jihoon shoulder and a black colored thing started to spread on Jihoon body until he's covered with it in 5 seconds. Jihoon screams turned silent as he turned into a black snow replica of himself that broke after afterwards. Jihoon's death caused Guanlin's death as well leaving Woojin staring into nothingness. Winwin took the initiative to throw his magical white ropes on Woojin's direction to drag him back to where they are.

"The girl with a black snow power is no joke. All of their deaths are caused by her we need to be careful." Kun said as soon as everyone is gathered again.

"Chani... " Donghyuck mumbled his eyes fixed on a figure standing in the middle of wide ground. Donghyuck slowly stepped forward not hearing all of the calls and yells his friends is doing. He can't even hear Mark who is now panting with his strength leaving his body as soon as Donghyuck saw the first man he loved.

"Chani.. He.." Jaemin also uttered, tears falling from his eyes.

"Who is he Jaemin-hyung? Mark-hyung hang on." Jisung asked as he aids Mark on standing up.

"He's Hyuckie's first ever man, first love. They have so much memories together and they're doing so good together until Chani just vanished. Left Hyuckie broken and confused." Jaemin informed watching Donghyuck approached the other male with tears in his eyes.

"Aaaaah!" Mark screamed in pain as he felt his insides burning. The moment Donghyuck saw Chani, his love for him suddenly striked at peak shadowing his feelings for Mark making the older male lose his strength and sooner or later Mark will lose his powers too if this continues. Emphatic vampire's powers depends on their mate's feelings and right at this moment Donghyuck's heart is almost screaming for Chani leaving no space for Mark.

"I-I missed you Chani... " Donghyuck said with tears flowing from his eyes as he reached Chani's place immediately hugging the other male, burying his face on the crook of Chani's neck.

"I miss you too Hyuckie." Chani hugged back as he threw a sharp glance and a smirk towards Mark's direction that didn't go unnoticed by the other alarming them.

"Kaira!" Their attention was shifted to where Jaemin's yell was heard as the honey haired male ran to the girl he missed so much with her wings out in the open. All his rationality forgotten as he hugged Kaira as tight as he could.

"You're b-back. Do-don't l-leave me a-again p-please.." Jaemin mumbled still hugging Kaira who hugged him back by her wide upper wings almost covering Jaemin's body.

"Hey Jae.. " Kaira said as she tightens the grip around Jaemin's body too much for Jaemin's liking.

"Kai.. I-I ca-can't breath.." Jaemin panted feeling the oxygen living his lungs.

"You're supposed to not breath Jaemin-ah.. " Kaira replied looking down on Jaemin with her eyes now red like those of the fiends a very different color from her sweet and icy blue eyea when she's on her wendigo form.

"Something is wrong with Jaemin! Aid Donghyuck too!" Jeno yelled as he dashed to Jaemin and Kaira's direction not realizing Suji followed him as for Donghyuck, Jisung and Renjun came to help if ever danger might come but they came too late.



"Inched any closer and this human will be dead." Kaira and Chani said at the same time with Kaira lifting Jaemin off the ground her lower wing wrapped around Jaemin's neck choking the unconscious younger male,  Donghyuck, on the other hand was stabbed on his gut by a knife and is on Chani's grip. The sharp tip of the knife on Donghyuck's threatening to go in his neck in any minute.

"Chani w-why..." Donghyuck managed to ask through his pants trying to cover his wound where blood is gushing out.

"Oh shut the up Hyuckie before I decide to just kill you." Chani said in a sweet voice making Renjun and Jisung cringe.

"Not a mere human illusion like you can hurt my mate." A hole appeared in Chani's forehead made by the small lightning with so much power made by Mark as they heard such deep voice coming from him who is approaching from behind. They watched Chani fade away like a burning paper throwing one last 'thank you're smile to Donghyuck who cried seeing the first man he loved vanish again in front of him.

"Hon.." Mark called with so much despair kneeling down to Donghyuck's level. Donghyuck looked at his current love with apologetic eyes.

"No hon,  it's fine you don't need to apologize." Mark said cupping the younger's face laying a kiss on Donghyuck's forehead down to his eyes then finally to Donghyuck's lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too,  hyung."

"Let's get you treated."

"Thank you Mark-hyung."

"For making me a half vampire, it really helps at times like this." Mark chuckled expecting something different.

"Mark Lee you are so cheesy I'm not saying something like that you know that." Donghyuck said jokingly, slapping Mark's chest playfully.

"You read my mind?"

"Yes I did and I wished I haven't. Ew. Really hyung? You expect me to say 'Thank you for protecting and loving me despite of all the things I've done.' Mark Lee, ew." Donghyuck rolled his eyes as Mark just chuckled.

"Jaemin!!!" Mark and Donghyuck's moment was cut of by Jeno and Suji's voice yelling.

"Oh sorry,  my wings slipped." Kaira said with a smirk dropping Jaemin's limp body on the ground leaving the younger's torso with a hole due to the damages she inflicted.

"Kim Kaira!" Suji attacked the girl with her eyes full of tears as she tackles Kaira on the ground pulling the younger's wings of her body,  just like how Kaira got killed by the enemies. Eyes full of tears flowing freely from her eyes Suji ended Kaira,  by stabbing the girl with her bare hands on her chest where her heart resides. Just like Chani, Kaira vanished like a burning papee leaving Suji in tears again,  sobbing loudly as she watched Kaira's projection fade away.

"Jeno... Jaemin...  He.. He didn't fight anymore. I'm sorry Jen but he's gone." Jungwoo stated with his head hang low as tears started to flow from his eyes together with everyone meanwhile Jeno felt nothing but anger and power rising up within his body.


Wavyuu 💞 -Ji

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