The Poison's Origin

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Randy's POV

Honestly, I Don't Even Want To Try The Nectar Today, There's A Rotting Corpse In It! "Bob, Why Are You Even Eating That, For Goodness Sake, You Put A Rotting Corpse In It!" "Because It Tastes Really Go-BLAAAAAARG!" "...That's It, I'm Just Going To My Room." And With That, I Went To My Room. I'll Just Write My Log For Yesterday.

Randy's Log Day 13

I'm Starved. We Fought A Tall Beast That Looks Kind Of Like Mother, But It Was All Gooey, And Orange, And We Named It Dad. Bob Somehow Summoned A Pikmin Named Steve, Who Threw The Rotting Corpse Of A Red Snouted Fire Breather At The Beast, And Killed It. Unfortunately, The Dad Just Turned To Ashes, And We We're Forced To Bring The Rotting Corpse To Mother. Note To Self: Make Sure To Bring Actual Nutrients To Mother BEFORE Fighting A Tough Enemy, So If It Turns To Ash, We Won't STARVE.

...I Definitely Need To Keep That In Mind. Well, I Think We're Going To Land Soon, Rod Told Me That We're Landing In The Distant Spring To Fight A Strange Beast. It Had A Sort Of Black And Green Signal, So I'm Guessing Maybe Another Dad? He Said It Might Look Kind Of Liquified, So Maybe-THUMP! Ouch! My Head! Why Does Everybody Never Say When We're Going To Land?! I'm Just Going To Get Out... Maybe I'll Find Some Poison Today. I Haven't Seen Any Of It Since The Final Battle With The King Of Spoats, Which Is Kind Of Strange. What If-WHAT THE?! What Is.. What The... WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?! All Of The Water! It's... IT'S... IT'S BEEN POISONED! Rod Soon Came Out After Me, But Seemed Confused At My Expression. "What Is It Ran-Oh." Everyone Soon Piled Out, And Immediately, They Noticed The Poisoned Water. "That... Doesn't Seem Good." "Oh Come On, It's Just A Little Paint! Jump In!" Is Bob Really Going To Swim In There?! "BOB DON'T DO IT!" "Why?" "IT'S NOT WHATEVER PAINT IS, IT'S POISON!" "Hoisin Sauce? I Love Hoisin Sau-" "NOT HOISIN, POISON!" "Well, I Know A Guy Who Can Fix It!" "Who?" "I Can't Really Remember, It Started With A W..." "Water Bottle?" "No, That's Just Silly!" "Willy?" "No..." "Wort?" "Nope!" "Wanita?" "What Kind Of Name Is Wanita?! Also, It Has Two Words..." "War Hog?" "No, But It's A Hog I Think.." "War Tortle?" "It's Not War!" "Wind Industry?" "That Seems More Like A Building Name." "WANDA FART?!" "What Even Does That Mean?! Also, The Second Word Started With B..." "Wet Blower?" "No, It's... Come On, It's At The Back Of My Head..." "WHAT IS IT BOB?!" "Calm Down Rod, It's Like... Blowing... Hog? Blowinghog Is The Second Word I Think.." "Water Blowinghog?" "No... Wet Blowhog? No... Oh Wait, It Was Water Bottle." "...I HAD IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME!" "Oh Yeah, I Guess You Did." "Score! 1-0, Bob Wins!" Yeep Exclaims. "Yay! I Win! Do I Get To Battle A Pellet Posy?" "No, You Get Punched In The Face." "Yay!" Bob Exclaimed As He Got Punched In The Face. "Okay, So Where Is Water Bottle?" Rod Asked. "UNDA DA SEAAA, TAYKE IT FRUM MEEEEEEEE!" "...We Don't Have Time To Go Under The Sea! We Don't Even Have Enough Fuel To Get To The Sea! The Distant Spring Needs Help Now!" "Well I Know Another Guy!" "Let Me Guess, Is Their Name Dave? Ison? Tox? Box? Steve? Tyson?" "What? No, What Kinds Of Names Are Those? His Name Is El Chupacamintaurisaurus D. Rex The Eighteenth Mark IV!" "El Chupa What Now?" "Bigmin!" "Bigmin? Didn't You Say El Chupacamintaurisaurus D. Rex The Eighteenth Mark IV?" "What? I Said Steven." "Steven?" "Yes, Steven." "...That's Just Steve With A N." "Oh. Well I Don't Know A Guy." "Score 8-1, Rod Wins!" "Enough Of This Nonsense, We Need To Find The Beast And Kill It! It Might Give Us A Clue Of Where This Poison Came From!" I Yelled, And Everyone Stopped Talking, And We Started Our Search For The Beast. "So, Where Does The Tracker Say It Is?" "In The Middle Of The Poison." I Looked In The Middle, And I Saw An Egg, That Was Leaking Out Poison. "I've Seen That..." Min Muttered. "What?" I Asked. "I've Seen That! I Saw It When We First Came Here, And Nearly All Of Us Were Captured! I Saw It When We Fought The Beaspot Lord! It MUST Be Where You Found The Poison! It's The Poison's Origin!" "Wait, So You're Telling Me, That The Liquid I've Used To Save Most Of You, Came From THAT Egg?" "Yup. Not Only That, But That's Where The Signal Is Coming From, Meaning We Shouldn't Send It Into Mother, But Instead Throw It Somewhere Where Nobody Will Have To Suffer The Horrible Poison." "Well, Shouldn't We Get Other Nutrients From A Different Area?" "Look At Me." I Looked At Her Face. "Now Look All Around You." I Don't Get What She's Say- OOOOOH. "Oh. The Poison?" "It Will Prevent Us From Getting Any Nutrients Here At All! Not Only That, But It Might Spread, Meaning It Could Contaminate Every Single Area We Know!" "Even The Forest Navel?" "Yes, Even Though It's Underground, Meaning This Could Very Well Be The Extinction Of Our Species If We Can't Kill It!" "Well, Rest In Piece Our Species." "What?! Don't Give Up!" "Do You Even Know What Poison Can Do To A Pikmin?" "No..." "There. Case Closed." "So, Are We Going To Find My Friend?" "Bob, You Said You Don't Know A Guy!" "What? No No, I Said His Name Was El Chupacamintaurisaurus D. Rex The Eighteenth Mark IV!" "Well, Where Is He?" "It's Hard To Find The Flower, But He's Real Nice!" Wait, What? "Did You Say, Flower?" "Yup! But He's Not A Pellet Posy, A White Flower! And He's Right Over-" Bob Pointed To Where We Fought The Prince Of Spoats. "-Right Over There!" "Are You Kidding Me? I'm Not Going There, That's Where We Got Ambushed By The Prince!" "Well, It's Either We Get El Chupacamintaurisaurus D. Rex The Eighteenth Mark IV, Or We Perish!" Seriously? He Sounds So Joyful Even Though We All Might Die! "Fiiiine." "Score Bob-0, Bob Wins!" Yeep Exclaims, And We Start On Our Way To The Clearing Where We Fought The Prince. "So Wait, How Is El Chupacamintaurisaurus D. Rex The Eighteenth Mark IV Going To Help Us?" "He'll Make Us Poison Resistant!" "Ok, If You Say So-WHAT THE HEEEEEE?!" WHY ARE THERE WHITE FLOWERS EVERYWHERE?! "Oh Look! Looks Like El Chupacamintaurisaurus D. Rex The Eighteenth Mark IV Brought Some Relatives! So, Who's Jumping In First?" ...I'm Not Jumping In That. Just.. Just No. "Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope No-" "GETCH YO BUTT OVA HERE! I AIN'T TAKIN' NO FOUR N ANSER, BOB MYYY HOMIE, GO GET HIS BUTT OVA HERE!" ...WHAT THE HECK?! WHO SA- "WAAAAAAH!" WHAT IS GOING ON, WHERE IS GOING ON, WHY IS GOING ON, WHAT AM IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII?!

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