Dropships and Delinquents (pilot pt. 1)

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For me it seemed like a normal day. My cellmate annoying me, and me lost in my thoughts. Most days I just sit on my bed thinking to myself how everything could have happened differently. Not knowing if I'm going to be thrust to my death any day is not an appealing thought to think about all the time.

I was pulled away from my thoughts from the door opening. I couldn't help but wonder if they finally found all of us prisoners to much of a burden and decided to float us before we turned eighteen.

“Prisoner 252, and 253, face the wall.” One of the guards spoke. My heart was racing but I obliged. I stood up and turned around. My roommate quickly lunged for the door but was grabbed and poked with some type of needle and passed out. That scared me. The same guard then said, “Hold out your right arm.”

“Why?” I asked, holding my arm out to him.

“Quiet.” He shot back sternly. For some reason I listened. Normally I would of said some sarcastic remark and got shocked by one of the guards. But I had a bad feeling so curiosity kept me quiet. He then placed a metal looking bracelet on my arm and started to lead me out of my cell. He took me down a long corridor and my heart started pumping even harder.

“Where are you taking me?” I asked angrily. The guard ignored me again and only continued to shove me down the hallway. I tried harder to stay quiet after that. Soon after we arrived to another hallway with a bunch more people all lined up. I was placed behind a guy I remembered having an earth skills class with not long before named Jasper.

“What’s going on?” I tried to ask him as we walked, more kids were added behind us. He just shook his head, and asked,

“Callie? Have you seen Monty?” I looked at him he seemed quite scared,

“No. I’m sorry.” I replied, he then continued to ask if anyone had seen Monty. My brain couldn't help get more and more worried. We walked down more hallways until finally we arrived to what looked to be a ship.

There was a ladder and a guard was instructing everyone to climb. I did as instructed and went up a ladder. When I got to the top another guard was making sure we all got seated. I sat next to a girl who was placed behind me in line, Octavia Blake. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore everything else that was happening around me. Soon this would be over, there's no way this could be real.

I kept my eyes closed even when it felt as if the ship had launched. But soon after my curiosity got the better of me, and I opened them. Everyone around me was now talking, laughing, and trying to figure out what was happening. But I stayed quiet just observing. I've trained myself to do that more, observe my surroundings and then try to help. I want to know what's happening around me before I say something dumb or compulsive. That used to get me in a lot of trouble.

Soon after the ship made a jolting noise, the lights flickered and everyone started to yell. But not me. if I were to die on this ship, it didn't matter. I would of died in space in a few months anyway.

    After the jolt one of the people I hate more than anything showed up on one of the monitors, the chancellor. Jaha. Jaha is the one who locked me up, and floated my Mom. if I had the chance I would kill him right now. That man ruined my life and many others.

    “Prisoners of the ark, hear me now. You’ve been given a second chance, and as your chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not only a chance for you but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we’re sending you because your crimes have made you expendable.”

    A kid somewhere on the ship shouted, “Your dad is a dick, Wells.”  and against everything I have trained myself not to do when I’m angry, I gave into the compulsive side of me and shouted in return,

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