The Sins of our Ancestors (Murphys Law pt. 1)

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The next morning I woke up still curled in murphys arms. He looked so peaceful sleeping, a lot less angry. I tried to slowly get out of bed without waking him but failed miserable, when i heard a loud groan. I got dressed watching murphy toss and turn.

"If your up get dressed." I joked, before throwing his clothes at him.

"But I wanted to go one more time." I heard him mumble. Now rolling over and starting getting his pants on.

I looked at him seeing the sleepiness in his eyes. "Am I that good?" I teased again, starting to walk out of the tent.

"No, there's just nothing better to do in this stupid camp." he said with almost no emotion, witch threw me off, I couldn't tell if he was just being sarcastic or just moody.

"Well ok." I mumbled, continuing to leave. I didn't know what to think.


It had been four days since I heard about Wells death while he was on watch. It was crazy to think that the grounders could get us just outside the wall. I was starting to believe more and more that there were more than just one grounder out there. Besides Wells death things had become pretty quiet at the camp. The occasional bickering between people but that always happened. I spent most of my time working on the wall, Murphy and I had only become closer, we were always joking and talking. and there was the fact that I was the only one besides Bellamy and Clarke that he didn't seem to treat like garbage, and even Bellamy and Clarke werent treated the best. I definitely knew I cared about him, maybe a little too much.

I was was sitting against some wood relaxing for a moment, after working on the wall all day when I heard Murphy shout from across the Camp.

"Hey!" I looked to my left seeing him walk over towards Conner, "you think the grounders are just gonna sit around and wait for us to finish the wall? Maybe we should let the little girl do the lifting for you, huh?" I looked away, John was right we needed to get the wall built but that didn't necessarily mean bullying our fellow delinquents to make it happen faster.

"I just need some water, ok? Then i'll be fine, why don't you go bully Callie? she's just been standing over there for the past ten minutes." Conner breathed. I rolled my eyes. Asshole.

Murphy seemed to smile in annoyance "Ya, well im worrying about you right now." Murphy replied getting closer into Conners face.

"What is she like your girlfriend or something you haven't been bothering her all day." Conner snapped Back. Murphy grabbed his Jacket pulling him up,

"Why don't you shut up."

Then Bellamy walked up, "knock it off you to, Murphy, get this guy some water, and Callie get back to work."

"Yes sir." I saluted sarcastically, "I will do anything you say, sir." rolling my eyes I returned to cutting the wood I was previously leaning on. I turned my head to the side seeing Murphy looking at me with a more real looking smile on his face.

I continued cutting the wood singing a small tune to myself my mother used to sing to me when I was a little girl, when I turned my head I about died in laughter, Murphy was pissing on Connor, I mean he did want water, and he did try to get me in trouble witch made me a bit more agitated at him.

"Uhh! What the hell is wrong with you, Murphy? I'll kill you." connor shouted jumping up realizing what was happening. He tried to attack him or something, but more of Bellamy's and you could say Murphys goons held him back. I didn't like the way he shouted kill, you never know what some of these delinquents are capable of.

I walked towards Murphy deciding to join the party of the 'popular' kids, they seemed to be having more fun than me, I needed fun. Cutting wood for four days straight wasn't exactly exiting. "You did say you wanted a water break." I said walking towards them, Murphy smiled at me. Then let everyone know to get back to work. "Does that include me?" I asked seductively.
"No, of course not." he said smiling. I turned around, my hair swinging behind me.

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