Anger Management Issues (earth skills pt. 1)

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Deciding that it probably wasn't the best idea to stay in the area where our friend was brutally speared, after a few terrifying moments of trying to figure out what was happening, we started running back to camp.

“Clarke! Come on!” I heard Finn yell. I continued running right behind Monty. Octavia, Finn and Clarke trailing behind. We ran for about 5 minutes until Monty tripped and fell.

“Monty!” I yelled after him. Octavia and I helped pull him up. “Come on! We gotta go!” I screamed.

“Monty, Get up!” Octavia added. But he seemed shocked by something.
finally we got him up. Clarke was in front of us and Finn off to the side. I looked down and saw what had Monty so afraid. It looked like a ribcage.

    “Who are they?” Finn asked sounding frightened. Clarke bent down and picked something up. After a close inspection I saw it was some type of skull. I swallowed now starting to feel uneasy.

    “What are they.” Clarke corrected while she examined the skull. It didn't look like any ordinary skull i've ever seen. The eyes and the face were to big seeming like that's how their bodies adapted to deal with the radiation.

    “We are so screwed.” Octavia said, fear and confusion laced in her words. That's when we heard a scream come from the woods. Clarke dropped the skull and we all turned towards the sound.

    “Jasper. He's alive.” Clarke shouted, and started running towards the noise. we all ran after her. My heart started pounding, It felt like it was to soon the person who speared him could still be out there.

    “Clarke, wait. Wait!” Finn screamed after her. But she didn't listen, continuing as we followed behind, probably running to our impending doom of being speared in the chest by a person with eyes to big for its head. Awesome. And I thought these were the best days of my life. “Wait.” he called again but she continued to ignore him. Finally we stopped in the words near the river.

    “Guys we should stay out of the trees.” I whispered now standing in front of everyone.

    We looked ahead at where Jasper was but he was no longer in sight, “he was right there.” Finn said. I shook my head things just keeps getting better and better.

    “No. Where is he?” Monty said from behind me. I looked at him sympathetically, Jasper was his best friend. Where the hell was Jasper?

    “They took him.” Clarke said looking straight ahead. I ran my hands through my hair. Is this my life now?


    We all headed back towards camp. There wasn't much said between the five of us now that Jasper was gone. Monty stayed in the back. Finn and Octavia in the middle, and Clarke and I in the front. It's the first time we ever really tried to accept each other's existence in a friendly way.

    Finally when we arrived back at camp I couldn't help but notice Wells holding murphy with a knife to his neck. What the hell did we miss? Clarke, Finn and I walked in one after the other down the hill.

    “Wells!” Clarke shouted. I felt like telling her it was none of her business to get involved in something that started before we even got back. But I told myself I would Calm my impulses so I did. I had to bite on my bottom lip to keep from saying anything.

Did I want Murphy deserved to die? Hell no. But I also think he needed to learn the world didn't revolve around him, So if Wells hurt him a little I didn't feel that bad. We continued down the hill until Clarke was on flat land and Finn right behind us. “Let him go!” she yelled at Wells.

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