Chasing, Jasper (earth skills pt. 2)

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Clarke and Finn caught up to the rest of us letting us know they found Jaspers goggles and some Blood. We all traveled as a group until we came to a stream. “Hey, how do we know this is the right way?” Murphy asked walking next to me.

“We don't. ‘Spacewalker’ thinks he's a tracker.” Bellamy replied. I rolled my eyes Maybe he is a tracker. We did have earth skills classes back on the ark. Bellamy walked over towards Finn leaving his spot in our line of delinquents.

“It's called ‘cutting sign.” wells said seeming irritated “fourth-year earth skills. He's good.” I remember learning about that, not that I payed attention.

We then turned towards the woods. I made my way up towards Bellamy. “You want to keep it down or should I paint a target on your Backs?” Finn asked in annoyance. We walked a little further and it seemed something caught finn and clarkes attention making them lean down. I wanted to see what it was but I stayed back with the rest of the group, letting Finn and Clarke do the investigating.

“See? You’re invisible.” I heard Bellamy advise to Wells witch made me look at them in confusion. What was he talking about? Suddenly we heard something in the distance it seemed almost like a moan, or a yell.

“What the hell was that?” I asked looking towards everyone. Murphy seemed to nod in agreement with me but I just shrugged him off.

“Now would be a good time to take out that gun.” Clarke added looking ahead where the strange sound came from. We all then rushed further towards the noise keeping single file line. I was furthest in the Back. we continued to hear the weird moaning noise. Until we came to a tree and saw him. Jasper.

“Jasper.” I mumbled looking ahead. He was tied to tree looking to be in some serious pain.

“Oh, my god.” Clarke shouted heading towards Jasper.

“Clarke, Be careful.” Finn shouted after her.

We headed more towards Jasper, Clarke called Jaspers name again as we headed forward. “What the hell is this?” Bellamy added to everyone's concerns. That's when I heard a loud crash and Clarke fell through a trapped door. Bellamy grabbed her just in time though. But it scared me, would he do it? Would he cut off her wrist like he said he would? Just to get that damn wristband? I heard Finn shout something in the distance but my mouth felt dry.
I stared at Bellamy until Finn grabbed my shoulder and shouted, “Help us!” We all grabbed a body part of Bellamy's extremely awkwardly and helped him pull Clarke up, I'm not really sure we helped that much though.

Finn asked her if she was ok and she nodded as he helped her up. “We need to get him down.” I said looking up towards Jasper. My heart beating rapidly. The poor kid didn't deserve this. Just yesterday he was making cheesy pick up lines and gawking at beautiful women with me.

“I'll climb up there and cut the vines.” Finn responded.

“Yeah, yeah, I'm with you.” Wells added. But Finn advised him to stay with Clarke and, “Watch Bellamy” Probably because he was afraid Bellamy was gonna do something stupid. I agreed with him only because I didn't quite trust him yet. I also didn't think in the three minutes it took him to help jasper, Bellamy would pull one. I didn't really think he had the guts anymore. He had the perfect chance to get what he wanted when Clarke fell and he chickened out. So was the tough macho Bellamy Blake that he shows us everyday what's really under the surface? Finn looked towards the camps designated BadBoy Murphy and told him to help him.

Murphy walked over towards Finn. “there's a poultice on his wound.” Clarke stated talking in some medical talk I didn't really understand. I barely ever payed attention in the classes they made us take back on the ark. I never thought I would ever need to know the things they taught. Boy was I wrong.

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