Comics and Camps (earth kills pt. 1)

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Three years ago,

    It was a normal saturday night. My Dad off doing what he did best, screwing my drunk mom on the living room couch, while I lay in my bed kept awake by the sound. I was trying to read an old comic book, from before the end of life on earth to drown them out. It was an old one about the Flash. He was Battling the reverse flash, Flash's arch nemesis. I traded some of My old books my mom had from when I was little for it. Those were the good days. Before my mom had to have five abortions due to the one child law, and my dad started heavily drinking. There was never a time he wasn't drunk anymore. And when he got drunk on that moonshine he traded half of our possessions for more.

    “Callie?” The knocking on the door pulled me from my thoughts.

    “Yes sir?” I asked my hands shaking, afraid of what might happen if I say the wrong thing.

    “Can you put the damn book down, and come out here for a second?”

“Of course sir.” I said, slowly making my way off the bed quietly placing down the comic. Normally I dont go out into the main room unless I absolutely have to. The only thing that goes on out there is sex or yelling. As I slowly rounded the corner between the door to the bedroom and the main room I saw my mom on the couch with a bottle of booze in her hand and my dad standing by our small table on the other side of the room.

“Can you please explain to your goddamn mother why we can't have another kid?” he practically yelled.

“Don't get her in the middle of it Tom-” My mother began but my dad cut her off throwing his bottle at the wall right above her head. I flinched stepping back.

“Shut up Clara no one wants a bitches input.” My mom sat up taking another swig of her alcohol. “What are you scared of me now?” he yelled again, now looking at me, this time louder and more aggressive.

“N-no.” I stammered stepping farther back and shutting my eyes so tight I saw colors. I kept trying to think of that scene in a movie I watched a long time ago of a girl and her happy family, her dad playing the piano, the daughter watching tv, and the mother writing a book. Whenever this happened I would put that scene in my head. It wasn't the best movie scene but it made me think of what my family could of been.

“Look at me girl!” he shouted again, now only inches from my face. I didn't open my eyes. “I said look at me!” he shouted again. He grabbed my face and I slowly opened my eyes tears falling out of them.

“I-I-Im sorry sir, p-p-please” I stammered barely being able to get any words out.

“P-p-please. P-p-please.” he mocked. “What do you think i'm gonna do?!” he then let go of my face and pushed me down on the ground. “Go to your room, i'm sorry I asked you anything, you can' do anything right!” I got up and walked to my room as fast as possible and locked the door. My heart was pounding and tears were falling down my face. From the other side of the door I heard my mother say something along the lines of, “she doesn't deserve this life.” and then a slapping noise. I closed my eyes again just waiting for the day I could be free of this.

Present day,

    I heard a loud moan as I woke up. I was sleeping in the dropship with the rest of the hundred. Minus a few people who either wanted to sleep outside or didn't want to sleep. I had made a makeshift bed out of Blankets and cushions from the seats like a lot of other people. I slipped my Jacket on and headed to the higher level, to check up on Jasper. I could tell not much time had gone by since I laid down, due to people complaining about Jaspers loud moaning. I just couldn't sleep anymore it was like trying to sleep when someone's arguing.

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