A Childs Sacrifice (Murphys Law pt. 2)

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I felt like I had been running for hours but it couldn't be more than twenty minutes. I just had to find Clarke, Finn and Charlotte. I had to help them keep Charlotte from Murphy.

I continued pushing myself through the trees. Everything that happened today was bringing back memories of my parents, bad ones and good ones combined. I always tried to shove even the smallest thought of them away so this opening of memories was very hard to take in. I shook my head determined to shake out the last memories of Tom and Clara Hall. I kept hearing distant screams from Murphy, the one person on this earth I thought was my person, but today he showed me someone else. Everytime he screamed Charlotte I had to hold back a tear, survivors don't cry I kept telling myself, survivors are strong.

I continued pushing through for at least another hour, when I saw a figure up by a tree, I slowly crept making sure I was hidden by the trees around me. I tried to peak over the tree and realized the figure was too short to be Murphy, I quickly realized as the figure came closure that it was Charlotte, why the hell would Clarke and Finn let her off on her own? as she came closure I reached out to her when hands grabbed my shoulders, pulling me back towards the tree.

"There's no way i'm letting you and Murphy kill a child.." Bellamy whispered in my ear as Charlotte continued towards us. I could tell it was Bellamy because of the curly hair above me. Even in the night his curls were very noticable.

"I'm on your side Jackass." I said pushing away roughly. I may not look it but I'm a lot stronger than people think. I may only weigh a hundred and twenty five pounds but after being locked up for three years there is a lot of time to exercise instead of doing nothing, or reading but that's a lot harder when I have to listen to the ABC's or the national anthem five hundred times in a row from Rose.

I turned around to look at Bellamy when he realized it was me, and I was on his side back when Murphy talked about hanging Charlotte. "Sorry.." he mumbled I just rolled my eyes and looked at Charlotte who was getting further away. I slowly crept between trees and Bellamy trailed Behind. After a short amount of time Bellamy got insight of her and lunged and grabbed a seemingly terrified Charlotte from behind.


All of Murphy's screaming was not probably helping how scared she was. All I could hear was "Charlotte!" and "you can't hide forever." and my favorite "don't worry we won't hurt you." it made me sick. I felt all these emotions for Murphy and he was trying to kill a twelve year old girl, yet i felt sympathy. He's probably going through a state of pissed off and angry, I mean he was hung for nothing. People didn't even try to get real evidence they just assumed, anyone could plant or use his knife.

Charlotte did not want Bellamy or my help. She kept struggling from Bellamy and screaming "Let me go!"
"Charlotte. We are trying to help you." Bellamy protested but she was not having it. I didn't understand why she didn't just accept our help. She's just a weak kid, but yet so are we just a little older.
"I'm not your sister!" she hissed "just stop helping me, Both of you!" she started running off and screaming "I'm over here!" my eyes widened. Was she trying to get killed? I lunged after her and grabbed her arm.
"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" I yelled quietly. Pulling her into myself.
"Both of you just go, ok? I'm the one they want." I looked over at Bellamy kind've trying to ask him with a look what to say, but he just looked at me basically telling me to say something, anything.
"Ok, Charlotte, listen to me. We won't leave you ok. Murphy is lost right now but we will bring him back and it will be ok, we will make sure your safe." bellamy walked up putting his hand on her shoulder, kind of reassuring what I had said. Again it hurt everyone felt the need to reassure everything I said, but that will probably forever be a problem for another time.
"Please, Callie. Bellamy." Charlotte looked at me with lost eyes and then Bellamy. But when I made the wrong decision of looking down for a split second, Charlotte tried to run off. I reached to grab her but missed by a hair. That's when Bellamy grabbed her and put her over his shoulder.
Charlotte started frantically screaming for murphy. I tried to muffle her mouth as Bellamy walked but she bit me so hard I was bleeding. When i pulled my hand away she continued screaming. I muffled her mouth again, and this time I expected the bite. I'm so used to pain that when I expect it it doesn't even affect me. On the ark they had these shock sticks that I got a lot for being mouthy with guards.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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