A Repulsive Sight

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A few days went by and all the students were getting settled into Hogwarts and the school routine. Hermione used her new free periods to her advantage and studied in the library. She didn't want to spend time with Harry because he wouldn't stop going on about Draco being a death eater. Even though she tried to talk to him about what was really bothering him, Sirius, he always brought it back to Draco. When Ron and Hermione were in the Prefect compartment on the Hogwarts Express, Harry had taken it upon himself to use his invisibility cloak to spy on Draco. He would've gone back to London if it weren't for Tonks finding him. He wouldn't stop harassing her about it earlier today.

"Harry, enough is enough. I'm tired of hearing you go on about it," Hermione said, it was so clear she was exhausted. Every time Harry got the chance he would talk about what happened on the train. "I understand it was a big lie to tell his friends but I honestly think he was doing it to show off to Pansy."

"But Hermione! You didn't hear it, it's so obvious that Volder-" Hermione flinched as he said his name, causing Harry to smile apologetically, "- I mean, You-Know-Who wants someone on the inside, someone in Hogwarts, and who better to least suspect than a student! As in, Malfoy!" Harry felt as if he had said this a million times, and to Hermione, it felt like he had. At first, Hermione was suspicious and even looked into it a little more but Harry became obsessed and it put her off.

"Look, I'm not talking about this anymore. I'll see you in Potions, fifth period, remember?" Hermione reminded, seeing the confusion on Harry's face and knowing he hadn't memorised his timetable yet.

She looked at her watch, it was given to her by her parents. They knew it was the tradition amongst wizards and witches to give a watch to your child on their seventeenth birthday. They gave it to her before she left because they knew she was not coping with everything well and wanted to cheer her up. It was ten minutes before her Potions lesson. She had grabbed her books, stuffed them in her bag and hurried to her first lesson with Professor Slughorn.

Ginny, Blaise Zabini, Neville and a few others had been summoned to Professor Slughorn's compartment on the train, it was clear he wanted to recruit them into his club called The Slug Club. He believed they all were special in some sort of way. Ginny performed a Bat-Bogey Hex on someone who asked her about what had happened in the Department of Mysteries. Slughorn had caught her and was quite impressed, Hermione chuckled at this when Ginny had told her. Bumping into Harry and Ron, the trio walked to Potions together.

She learned, earlier, that Slughorn's potions class only required an 'Exceeds Expectations' to take it in the sixth year, unlike Snape's class which needed an 'Outstanding'. As they walked through they saw a familiar face, a Hufflepuff, Ernie Macmillan, four Ravenclaws and four Slytherins, one being Draco. The three sat down with Ernie at a table with a golden cauldron on it. Professor Slughorn had asked if anyone knew what each one was, of course, Hermione's hand was the first one up.

When he got to the golden cauldron on their table, her hand shot up again for the third time. "It's Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the word! It's said that to each person it smells different. For example, to me, it smells like freshly ironed shirts, new parchment, and green apples..." Hermione trailed off, extremely confused and embarrassed, the colour in her cheeks became pinker by the second. Why those things? What does that even mean? She wondered. She looked over at Ron who was looking at her with surprise written all over his face, as Draco Malfoy was staring at the back of her head with a huge smile on his face.

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Later that night the Prefects got given their timetable for the patrols around the castle. Hermione was walking along the seventh floor when she heard a noise. Immediately she grabbed her wand and turned towards the sound, it was coming from an empty classroom on her right. She checked her watch and it was 10:37. Why would a student be out of bed at this hour? She thought. She tried to open the door, silently, but it was locked.

"Alohamora," she whispered and the latch became unlocked. She slowly opened the door and found Pansy Parkinson on top of Draco Malfoy making out.


They both jumped and Pansy fell onto the floor. She got up and raised her wand to Hermione.

"You hurt my back, Mudblood! You'll regret that!" Pansy snarled. Draco went over to Pansy and whispered something in her ear, she giggled and kissed Draco, then turned to glare at Hermione. She left but not before she barged Hermione with her shoulder.

"Malfoy, get out of here before I get a teacher involved, I mean, you're both prefects!" Hermione said raising her voice.

"Shut up, Granger!" he paused. "Actually, I-I wanted to talk to you about something..."

"What is it, Malfoy?" Hermione stayed in the doorway, looking at Draco suspiciously.

"Please, come in," Draco said, slightly pleading her. She walked in and slowly closed the door, but she made sure she still had her wand firmly in her hand. He gestured for her to sit but she shook her head, preferring to stand, to be ready.

"I don't like the word Mudblood. I don't want to say it again," Draco said, looking down at the floor. Hermione was in complete shock. "I only said it in Diagon Alley because I had to, otherwise, I would be- it wouldn't be good. If I have to say it again, don't take it personally."

"Don't take it personally?" Hermione asked in disbelief, snapping out of her shock. "How dare you! I can't believe you thought that was an adequate thing to say!" She started to raise her voice again. Before she could carry on Draco put both hands as a show of mercy, Hermione was so bewildered at his behaviour that she couldn't carry on talking.

"Hey, OK. I just- I saw you at the library earlier today. You looked exhausted and I thought that maybe my comment was the reason. Is everything OK? You know, with Weasel and Potter?" Draco asked. Hermione couldn't believe her ears. Was this really concern Draco Malfoy was showing? But the second Hermione heard someone ask the question she could feel tears beginning to well up, she didn't want to cry in front of him. She grit her teeth to stop them from flowing.

"Yes! Of course, everything is fine. I don't appreciate whatever game you're playing, Malfoy, but I don't care. Just get out, go to your common room and don't let me catch you out after curfew again," Hermione snapped. Draco sighed and left the room but he never went to the common room that night.

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