Helping Out the Ferret

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A few weeks went by, Hermione started to feel a little uneasy. She had noticed Dumbledore rarely turned up to any meals. She got a few letters from her parents telling her they have been keeping up to date with is happening in the wizarding world. After explaining what a few things meant, they got the gist of it and their letters were getting more and more concerned for her safety. She started to feel a little guilty, thinking about them sitting at home of an evening discussing what is happening and if they should bring Hermione home.

"Hermione. Hermione! It's Saturday, do you know what that means?" Ginny asked, looking extremely happy. It was clear to Ginny that Hermione had not been paying attention because she was still playing with the sausages on her plate when she looked up. "Hogsmeade, of course!" as she said this with such excitement, a group of fourth year Ravenclaws squealed.

"That completely slipped my mind. You want to go together?" Hermione asked but she saw that Ginny was already distracted when Dean came into the Great Hall.

"Sorry 'Mione, can't. Already promised Dean. Next time!" she exclaimed as she ran over to her boyfriend. After she had her breakfast, she went up to the common room to change into something warmer. She could feel the cold nipping at her as she walked through the castle. She picked out a pale green turtleneck jumper and blue jeans with brown boots to go with her outfit. Putting her hair in a bun, which turned out to have curls poking out here and there. She grabbed her cloak, scarf and gloves and left for Hogsmeade.

As Hermione turned the corner that led to the Grand Staircase she was hit by someone. She fell to the ground almost instantly and shrieked. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" she screamed at the person who had turned back around. It was none other than Draco Malfoy.

"How about you watch where you're going, Granger! You're always in my way!" Draco sneered back. Hermione had gotten up off the floor and crossed her arms over her chest.

"How about you stop running in the halls, Mal-" before she could finish his name, she saw how terrible he looked. His eyes had dark circles underneath them, his hair stuck up in places, he had cuts and bruises on his knuckles and his shirt was wrinkled and untucked. It was the worst Draco had looked in the whole time they knew each other. "What happened to you? Have you been in a fight?" Hermione asked, surprising herself as well as Draco with her concern.

"None of your business! Seems like you're the one getting into fights, Granger. I heard about you and Pansy," Draco chuckled. This made Hermione angry.

"Well, I was going to ask if you needed any help but if I had known you were going to be such a cockroach- no, ferret, you can forget it!" she snapped. And she turned around to carry on walking, until she felt a hand grab her wrist, spinning her around.

"Wait, please?" he asked, pleading her again. They went into Professor Binns deserted classroom. "Look, don't take this as a compliment-" already smirking at her disapproving look "-but I know you're alright at spells and I need you to clear this up," pointing at his knuckles.

"Why would I help you?" Hermione asked with confusion, although she felt a little sympathetic. She couldn't explain it but it was nice being needed for help with something other than for homework. Hermione took his hand in hers and started muttering a healing spell before he had the chance to say another word.


His heart skipped the minute their hands touched. She was too busy looking at his hand to notice him trying to stop a smile from spreading across his face. In truth, Draco did hate Hermione for a while, she was always just ahead of him in every subject other than flying. As time passed, he started to smile at little things she did, even chuckle on rare occasion, but he put it down to how stupid she looked. He had thought she looked somewhat pretty, noticing her way before Ron did, still, the turning point for his feelings was when he laid eyes on her at the Yule Ball. He knew he had seen no one more beautiful than her in his whole life. For a moment, he forgot who they were and went to ask her for a dance but as he neared her with a smile on his face, she only glared at him. She had obviously thought that he was making fun of her, and she had every right. He had called her horrible names and picked on her and her friends. He would be surprised if she didn't hate him, but she didn't understand! He had to do that, he needed to keep up his appearance otherwise his parents would lock him in his bedroom again.

"Thanks," he mumbled when she had finished. She got up to leave but he held onto her hand and stood up. He pulled her close, so close they could feel each other's breathe. He stayed there, she had to look up at because he was taller, her chin was raised a little. Her eyes, brown pools of melted chocolate. He could stare, getting lost in them for as long as forever. A strand of a brown curl that had escaped her bun tickled his forehead. He breathed in and the aroma of rose and new books filled his nose, it was truly intoxicating.

"Get off, Malfoy," Hermione said, shoving him back, snapping him out of his fantasy. She then stormed out of the classroom. He had to take a seat for a second, he couldn't believe what he had just done. What was I doing? I don't like her like that. I don't even have time for this!  He scolded himself. He got up and kicked the chair over, then sprinted out of the room to get the necklace.

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