Visit in the Hospital

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Hermione ran through the castle, her heart was beating so hard it threatened to burst out of her chest but she kept running. Eventually, she reached the Hospital Wing, Madame Pomfrey allowed her to visit him although she was a little surprised. Draco was the only patient and his bed was on the left at the end. She walked over, trying to control her breathing and sat down on the chair beside him. He was stirring when Hermione placed her hand on his. He looked peaceful, the best she had seen him all year, finally catching up on sleep really made a difference.

"I know I'm beautiful, Granger, but you don't need to stare," he whispered, he had a smirk on his face but his eye remained closed.

"Oh, will you stop it?" she said smiling.

"I didn't think you'd come," he attempted to get up but the pain must have been too much because he lay back down.

"Try not to move. Why wouldn't I?" she asked.

"Maybe you'd be off with Potter and the Weasel laughing about it."

"Do you really think I'd laugh about something like this? Don't start this now!"

He sighed. "Fine."

"Draco, stop being so stubborn. As you can see I'm here with you, there's no need to make things more difficult for yourself."

"But why are you here for me?"

Hermione felt the heat rise to her cheeks, then spread over her face, she was conflicted on whether she should tell him. What if he laughs? What if he doesn't like me back? Draco opened his eyes at the sudden silence and she saw the familiar grey clouds looking at her, the effect was profound, all questions and anxiety washed away.

"I like you, Draco," she breathed. "You really get on my nerves and I'm not forgiving you for everything you have done yet but I've seen a new side to Draco Malfoy, and it's made me feel a whole lot different about you."

He stared at her, his face hadn't made any indication as to whether he reciprocated or hated it. If he didn't know she was blushing before, he definitely knew it now. Hermione couldn't look at him any longer, she began to fuss with his bedding even though they were already tucked in. "So," she said to break the awkwardness she felt, "what did Madame Pomfrey say?"

"She said I was to drop Essence of Dittany on my cuts once I woke up and that I was to stay here for two more days," replied Draco.

"Oh, I've read about Essence of Dittany, but hasn't Madame Pomfrey already used it on you?" asked Hermione.

"Yes, but it was Dark Magic so it needs another dose."

 "I could do it for you," she suggested shyly.

"Granger, I usually take a girl on a take before they undress me," he said smirking.

"I would count Christmas as a date, wouldn't you?" He looked surprised at what she had said but chuckled and nodded at her. She got up and pulled the curtains around his bed, then reached for the vial when heard someone shouting at her. She froze, Harry, Ron and Ginny sped through her mind and her blood ran cold.

"You filthy mudblood, get away from him!" shrieked Pansy. She had just burst through the curtains as Hermione was about to undo Draco's buttons. "What are you doing here?"

"I help out at the Hospital Wing, what are you doing here?" Hermione snarled, thanking her quick thinking saved her.

"Oh, little Miss Perfect," she sneered. "She didn't touch you, did she, Draco? You'll have to cut off whatever part she did. Get out of here, I can do that!" she snatched the vial out of Hermione's hand and turned to him. Hermione scoffed, turned on her heel and left.


He was extremely frustrated that Pansy had interrupted them and drove Hermione away, but his emotions were too high to be taken down now. He felt as if he were floating in mid-air. Shock and admiration crowded his thought process at Hermione's sudden confession, delight bursting through his depression. He was relishing in the memory when he was interrupted for the second time.


The impact sent hot pain radiating across his cheek, his cut burning at the abuse. 

"How dare you humiliate me further! You are lucky I love you so much that I haven't told your father about all of this. How would he like his son if he found out you let a mudblood within ten metres of you!" she growled.

"Did you just hit me?" he said, still in shock.

"Yes! I'm not letting you treat me like this anymore!" she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Draco's mood came crashing down whilst Pansy applied the potion to his wounds, touching every part of him whenever she could. He was disgusted. Ever since Draco had come to Hogwarts, his parents had told him what subjects would be best to take for his O.W.L.S and N.E.W.T.S, what subjects best for them. They also told him who he should marry; 'a pureblood, like Parkinson or Greengrass,' his father said. Before he never questioned this, before he was contempt with it, but now his eyes had opened. His fondness for Hermione made him wonder if the teachings and values his parents had taught him were wrong, muggleborns didn't seem to be any different from them. 

Thoughts of Hermione's words pushed to the front of his mind's eye whilst Pansy chatted away. Her admission to her affection for Draco made him feel a whole range of emotions. Guilt, shame and respect. She was obviously a true Gryffindor, it takes a different kind of bravery to admit feelings in his book but he was more ashamed he hadn't done it first. But what would it matter? The guilt was the strongest emotion of them all because when Hermione would find out what he had been doing, what he will do, he would regret letting her get this close to him. 

"I think you should come to my house for the Easter holidays," Pansy said pulling at his arms, and in turn pulling him out of his reflection.

"Why?" he asked confused. "We haven't talked in days and I thought I made it clear that we aren't together."


"You will come to my house whether you like it or not!" she demanded.

"No!" Draco was still in pain but he managed to sit up, his anger was boiling and, just as he expected, Pansy's hand came towards his face again but he caught it. Her eyes were wider than before, his gripped tightened, "and you will not touch me again!"

"Draco," she cooed, "I'm sorry, I was just angry at you and then when I heard what happened I was worried. I want you to be OK, I want things to go back to the way they were. Draco, please..."


"Draco, please don't do this," she pleaded. He let go of her wrist but didn't soften, his gaze bore into her face and stifled a smile. She did look like a pug! He thought but she had noticed the laugh that shimmered over his face for a second and was offended greatly.

"You will regret this, Draco. I'll make sure of it!" she shrieked and left him alone in the Hospital Wing.

The quiet soothed him instead of creating more anxiety now. He was all alone, free to think whatever he wanted, no one to tell him what to do. Being here was a blessing in disguise, he had a valid excuse to sleep for longer than a couple of hours. The concern for his parents lives threatened to become his primary focus again but today, with great effort, he replaced them with memories of Hermione. The sound of her name calmed him vastly, the scent of rose was permanent in his senses, her chocolate eyes enfolding him. Her lips, tender and plump and pink, embracing his put him in a state of euphoria. And with that, Draco drifted off into the best sleep he had ever had.

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