Separate Ways

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Harry kept pestering Hermione about Draco and Snape so much she had to run off to the library more often than before. Luckily, she took the opportunity to try and find anything about Horcruxes. Satisfied there was no mention of it on the shelves of books that were free to take out of the library, she took the risk to move into the restricted section.

"Horcruxes, Horcruxes, Horcruxes..." muttering to herself whilst scanning the spooky looking books.

"Here again, Granger?" spoke a sly voice which made her jump.

"Will you stop it, Draco!" although she couldn't help but laugh a little.

"I haven't seen you in a while, I thought you were avoiding me," he said, scratching the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact.

"Sorry, no. I have just been busy with homework, that's all." she lied.

It was true that Hermione had been avoiding him, not because of Harry, but because of their intimate moment. All the feelings that stirred inside became very confusing. Her affection for Ron was still there in some way, but his relationship with Lavender pushed it to a place where she thought most comfortable for her. Ron was her friend after all, just as Harry was, and she loved them both greatly, but she started to wonder if that was all for him. Draco, however, had sparked a new warmth that seemed to burn out all reason. He made her question everything; her morals, her logic, her judgement. She clearly couldn't take it anymore, in an attempt to find out what it was, she had to admit the way she really felt.

"I liked it..." Hermione choked out.

"What?" taken back by what she had said.

"The kiss, I liked it..." and with that Draco's lips came crashing into hers. The passion between them both was undeniable, it quashed all that dared to challenge them. Her hands slowly reached to his platinum hair, her fingers quickly became tangled. Draco had held her in his arms, caressing her back and pulling her closer. After a few minutes, they broke apart.

"This is wrong," Draco breathed out.

"Why?" she whispered.

"There's no way we can be together!" he began to get irritated but Hermione didn't understand his change in mood. Seeing the slight confusion on her face, he continued, "We're not right for each other, we are too different!"

"Then why plan out Christmas? Why do you spend time with me?" her voice quivering, fearing she would lose the only person she felt comfortable talking to.

"I think it may be best to not see each other," he said with a finality in his voice that let her know he wasn't going to talk about it anymore.

"Fine!" she shouted regretfully and without looking back, she walked back to her common room, tears rolling down her face.

★ ★ ★

The snow started to melt as February passed on, only to be replaced with the wettest weather imaginable. The apparition lessons had started but they had proved a lot harder than Hermione thought. She and Draco hadn't met since he pushed her away. The workload had increased dramatically which, ironically, was helpful in distracting her from him.

Walking into the Great Hall, Hermione saw Ginny who had just left Dean with an aggravated look on his face. It was almost impossible for Ginny to hear her because the wind was howling very loudly. She took a glance over at the Slytherin table and saw Pansy Parkinson clinging on to Draco, her long bony fingers digging into his arm as if her life depended on it. Pansy was whispering to him then leaned in to kiss him and he kissed her back. A sharp pain stabbed her in the stomach, she felt sick and wanted to run away. 

Why do I even care? He's nothing to me! So what if we kissed twice? That's obviously doesn't mean anything, a moment of weakness is what it was.

Hermione was determined to talk herself out of any thoughts that suggested she had any feelings for him.

"Hey, Hermione," Ginny sighed.

"Ginny? What's wrong?" asking, full of concern.

"Dean is really getting on my nerves. I can't take it anymore," she said sounding exasperated.

The two girls continued to talk about the insensitivity of Dean's behaviour for so long, Hermione had forgotten the reason she wanted to talk to Ginny was that she wanted to let her know about Draco.


Pansy kept kissing Draco, scolding him in between. It made him feel sick. His eyes strayed across to the curly brown haired girl talking to the Weasley. He let himself reminisce about their passionate moments, even letting them go further. He wanted nothing more than to be with Hermione but that would mean putting her at risk and he couldn't bring himself to do that.

It would be selfish. He repeatedly reminded himself.

"Draco Malfoy, are you even listening to me?" Pansy shrieked, he winced at the pitch of her voice.

"What do you want?" he began to get frustrated.

"I am asking you why you didn't come into my dormitories last night, you promised we would take things to the next level..." she whined.

"Pansy, we are not together! When will you get that through your head!" he shouted, his voice echoing around the Great Hall. Everyone had turned to look at the pair, Pansy grew very angry, her face was turning a deep purple. With that, Draco had got up and left, storming off to the Room of Requirement, leaving the students to gossip over the new piece of information.

★ ★ ★

March rolled on quickly, Hermione had thought about getting Ron a present for his birthday but when she overheard Lavender discussing with Pavarti her ideas she decided against it. They ranged from another necklace to a shirt that was bewitched to say: 'Won-Won loves Lavie' then turn into an image of them kissing. Hermione had thought about sending Draco a message to meet whilst the other students went off to Hogsmeade but she quickly learned it had been cancelled. Of course, after hearing everything in The Daily Prophet she wasn't really surprised but was more disappointed. Nevertheless, the message was sent anyway:

Astronomy Tower

5 PM

The day went by rather quickly, her apparition lesson went by better than usual. Hermione had apparated for the first time! It was a horrible feeling, passing through nothingness and landing with such a thud that made retaining her balance near impossible. It was as though her stomach was turned upside down and inside out all at the same time. It was 4:55, she ran up to the classroom but she heard someone scream her name behind her.


She spun around on the spot, a shiver ran down her spine. Paralysed at the sight of Ginny running towards her with tears flowing and a red blotched face.

"Ginny! What is it?" Hermione asked, snapping out of her shock.

"It's Ron! He's been p-p-poisoned!" the words barely escaped between her sobs.

"Poisoned?" her disbelief was apparent but as the seconds ticked away dread seemed to seep into her. "Where is he?"

"Hospital Wing."

"We have to go, now!" she demanded, pulling Ginny with her.

Little did Hermione know, Draco was listening at the door, tears rolling down his sad face.

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