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The Quidditch Match went terribly. Cormac was a nuisance on the team, so much so that when he took Peakes' bat he hit a bludger at Harry and cracked his skull. Both Harry and Ron were in the Hospital Wing. Hermione was thinking about what Luna had said.

Should I? I shouldn't. But I should hear what he has to say?

This conflict went on for hours whilst she was walking around the castle.

I'll just go to the Astronomy Tower and send him a message then. She half walked, half ran to their room. When she opened the door she noticed someone was already in here.

"Oh, sorry I didn't realise - Draco?" he had whirled around at the sound of her voice.

"I was waiting for you, I was planning on coming here every day until you came," the sound was hoarse as if he had been crying. He looked exhausted and Hermione knew that every time she saw him, he was getting worse and worse.

"Hey," she whispered softly. She slowly walked towards him and wrapped her arms around him. She could feel how skinny he was now, it made her want to be sick. He hugged her back, quite tightly. They stayed in silence for a while, neither of them knew what to say. Hermione pulled away and gestured for them to sit on the floor.

"Incendio," and the fireplace was lit. Draco laid his head on her lap and sobbed quietly. "Talk to me, Draco," her tone stayed soft. He was mute and she knew it was because he was thinking of what to start with.

"I don't know," he croaked. "I have things to do, more important things than to be worrying about someone but you, you are always on my mind. I don't know how I feel, it's all so confusing, but whether my feelings matter or not we can't be with each other. In any way. It'll put you in danger. I can't hurt you too!" he cried.

"I don't know how I feel about you either, but one thing I know for certain is that you're not as bad as you make out to be. You have been there for me when I was at my worst and I'm so thankful for that," she said as she stroked his hair soothingly. "You don't need to worry about me, I can take care of myself."

"No, Granger, this is different. You will be in real danger. I like spending time with you, it's been the only thing keeping me from going insane. So, because of that, I want you to keep out of the way if anything happens. Please, I would hate myself if anything happened to you. Then you can hate me forever but at least you'll be safe," he said. All of this confused Hermione, why would she need to keep out of the way and for what?

"Draco, I couldn't hate you, not now. We've come too far," but he just shook his head.

"You don't understand," he whispered. Again, silence loomed over them. Hermione had no idea what to say. She assumed he meant because she was a Muggle-born, he would be hated by his house and she would be teased. They both looked at each other, tears were slipping out of their eyes and that was when Hermione knew. She liked Draco, she really liked Draco. He was a git. He made her challenge everything she felt comfortable with but he let her cry, he let her break down and helped build herself back up.

"I don't care," she breathed. She leaned down and kissed him. It was sloppy and wet but she didn't mind. They were up on their knees without breaking, encased in each other. This continued for another half an hour, wrapped in each other's warm embrace. Everything seemed to fall into place with Draco when their lips touched, it felt as if they were on fire, she felt at home.

"I have to go," Hermione broke off and rested her forehead against his. "Draco, you look so tired, promise me you'll get some sleep?"

"I could sleep with you?" he smirked.

"I hate you," she said with a smile on her face.

"No, you don't."

★ ★ ★

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