A Letter from an Unlikely Sender

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November had already flown by and now it was the end of December. The snow had started to fall furiously, the wind guiding them to spiral every now and then. Hermione was still livid at Ron. Lavender had done everything in her power to make sure everyone knew they were official. The only solace she found in her time at Hogwarts this year, was her talks with Draco. Her mood would pick up after they had seen each other because now she was able to reach out to someone who didn't have a direct line to any of her situations. They didn't hang out often though, once or twice in the past month was enough for them.

"Ah, Miss Granger, my dear. I was just about to send this invitation," Professor Slughorn stated, startling her. She turned and was handed the parchment, her name was written in purple with the most elegant handwriting she had seen.

"Thank you, sir," Hermione smiled politely.

"Do you think that Mr Potter will be able to make it this time?' he asked with a sense of eagerness in his voice.

"Yes, I think he should be able to this time, sir," she responded, knowing that Dumbledore had asked Harry to get close to him.

"Ah, good, good! This time we will be complete," he beamed and walked off with a bit of a spring in his step.

★ ★ ★

She sat at the end of the Gryffindor table, far away from the snogging. She sat stirring her stew, thinking of ways to get back at Ron. That's when it hit her - Cormac McLaggen. She got up and started to walk off to find him when she was stopped by Parvati.

Perfect! She thought. Who else can spread this around the school faster than she can?

"Hi, Parvati!" she said, trying hard to ignore Ron and Lavender.

After exchanging a few formalities, Hermione took the opportunity to let her know that she was going to Slughorn's party with Cormac. She got exactly the reaction she was looking for when she had told her that they were together. She then proceeded to leave so they could do what they do best - gossip.

Hermione entered her dorm and rummaged through her wardrobe looking for something to wear when someone had opened the door and slammed it shut. She jumped back ready to scold the culprit responsible when she saw Ginny. Her face was as red as her hair and immediately she sat down on Hermione's bed and groaned loudly.

"Gin! Whats up?" Hermione asked surprised.

"Why do boys have to be so difficult?" She threw fists down on the bed. "I'm sick of Dean!"

"What? I thought you guys were fine? What has happened?" obviously very confused at Ginny's behaviour.

"He wants to know where I am every second of the day. I can't take any more bloody questions!" she exclaimed. Now mimicking his voice, "where have you been? Are you sure? Only because I heard you weren't. What are you doing later? Can't I come with?"

"'I'm sorry, Ginny, but at least he cares, right?" Hermione was clearly bad at giving advice on boys but that didn't mean she wouldn't try. "Have you tried talking to him?"

"Not really, I just storm off when I get annoyed. Maybe I should..." she said looking at the door. "By the way, the peach dress looks best."

"Thanks, Gin," but the door had already closed.

★ ★ ★

It was a mistake bringing Cormac to the party, it was definitely not worth trying to get back at Ron for what she had to deal with. Finally, she saw a familiar face, Luna.

"Hi, Luna! Am I glad to see you!" her relief was too much to hide.

"Hermione, I am glad to see you too," Luna replied in her soft voice, it floated through the air like the wind. Just as Luna had spoken, Hermione saw Harry.

"What's happened to you?" Harry asked, eyeing her suspiciously.

"Oh, I've just escaped - I mean, I've just left Cormac... Under the mistletoe," she breathed out.

She had spotted the very tall un-gentleman-like boy and cut the conversation short as she ran off in the other direction. She needed some air and decided to leave the party to catch her breath. Hearing footsteps getting faster and faster towards her, she hid behind a pillar. Recognising bleach blond hair and the unmistakable scent of expensive cologne, Hermione knew it was Draco. As she went to step out, Filtch grabbed him by the collar.

"I have you now! Nothing gets past Mrs Norris," his voice sounding like nails scratching a chalkboard, it sent a shiver down her spine, and with that, he burst through the door still holding onto the poor boy.

When Hermione came out, she couldn't help letting out a chuckle. She started to walk back in when an owl tapped at the window. Confused as to who would be writing her this late, she let the owl in and quickly opened it.

Dear Miss Granger,

I am sorry to be bothering you this late, I understand you are enjoying the festivities at Professor Slughorns party. I hear they are quite a hoot, regretfully I am always too busy to attend them. Now, I again apologise but I am afraid I must speak to you at once. I trust you know my love for Acid Pops.

Professor Dumbledore

Hermione had never been more confused and concerned in her life. Why would Professor Dumbledore want to speak to her this late? Without returning to the party to excuse herself, she sprinted to the Headmasters office.

When she arrived he had called for her to come in before she could even knock. Opening the door, she saw the Headmaster facing away from her, he seemed to be finishing off a conversation with the Headmasters portraits hanging on the wall.

"Thank you again, Miss Granger, for coming on such short notice at this hour," he said, his tone was a little deeper than normal, indicating to Hermione that this was a serious matter. Her hands started to become sweaty and her heart was beating twice as fast.

"Certainly Professor," she responded, taking a seat in front of his desk.

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